Monday, December 23, 2013
Hey Guy Says, "Hey, Guy!"
Ironically, he is also a eunuch.
So Christmas Kim has little to worry about besides bite marks on the outer neck area and an inappropriate elbow-to-boob incident by the bathrooms.
Ironically, he is also a eunuch.
So Christmas Kim has little to worry about besides bite marks on the outer neck area and an inappropriate elbow-to-boob incident by the bathrooms.
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Yeah, she’s got nothing to fear from the eunuch, but that unidentified Largeman family member in the background has plans for her.
And fuck you all!
Eunuch Guy doesn’t seem like much of a threat to anything – just a harmless dork who tries and fails to be “hip.” He’ll wake up and realize what a true blessing that is.
Christmas Kim looks nice and dumb. Simultaneously. I’m down with that. Hey guy, but for the backwards trucker cap, I’d call for a notta go in peace. Sometimes … It’s the little things.
May I say, “Notta,” and a Happy Yuletide.
Nice couple. Best wishes for botha them.
I’d still get ze Rebob if I was a eunuch and she was near my nethers. Take enough Cialis and there is a 70% chance of growing spontaneous junk…and shit. I’m as stoned as a monk.
Sunburned hand and elbow, nice — I feel his pain.
But, the garish sunglasses hanging from t-shirt, obnoxious pointing at the camera with SmugFace (TM), and worst of all, the lean-in with facial/forehead/hair contact of happy pretty kinda nervous Kim = Douche.
^ Agree. The sunglasses are garish!