Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Cloud

The five day forecast calls for light winds out of the south west, chance of a rain shower and massive heart failure.

# posted by douchebag1
7:55 am December, 8 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

Beaners go better with cheese.


8:33 am December, 8 Vladouchemir Poo-Tin said...

synthol oil, injected directly into the muscle. the bigger stronger faster doc. film has that Greg Valentino dude jabbing syringes into his infected oil laden muscles… hilarious.

11:24 am December, 8 Ted Brogan said...

You can simulate this by putting pillow cases over your arms, and then inserting two mini basketballs in each. Gravity’s a bitch.

2:23 pm December, 8 DoucheyWallnuts said...

It’s nice to see that the US hasn’t completely cornered the market on total assholes and douchebags.

4:40 pm December, 8 The Dude said...

I’ll go ahead and stick with the body I’ve been dealing with. And that chick from the burger commercial.

12:30 am December, 9 Guid is Good said...

Dude needs to stay clear of Thai saunas too. Not mirin.

7:05 am December, 9 Dickie Fingers said...

I watched the whole video waiting for someone to hit this douche in the head with a brick.

2:52 pm December, 9 beltman713 said...

Is this guy from Chernobyl?

11:11 pm December, 9 Guid is Good said...

He looks like a shit when you’ve been eating corn kernels.

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