Monday, December 30, 2013
Whither the Meaning of the Tattwhack?
Kelly doesn’t know.
Kelly ponders.
Kelly needs your help!
A cup of lard and a kleenex to the first person able to successfully identify Tattwhack’s logo-esque tattoo in the comments thread.
Popeye the sailor douche?
Seems to be a picture of a remorseless top predator. And then there is tapioca ice and his tattoo.
Tattwhack walked into the tattoo parlor, blindfolded himself, and started throwing darts until he hit the first sample on the wall. “I want that one!” he exclaimed after hearing the THUNK of steel meeting drywall.
Once the puncture wounds in her eye heal and the restraining order is lifted, Medusa Oblongata is going to make mincemeat soup of Tattwhack.
Hell with it^ – she’s loaded for bear right now…..
“Girls Gone Wild”
Let the larded up fwapping begin!
Happy Kleenex.
Can this chick be found on the GGW website? Preferably licking the inner thigh of some other comely lass? Comely lass, I says
Purg Gone Wild
Thanks Ed, for the Forgetting Sarah Marshall reference.
Thuggy Largeman, professional hooligan, waits out Tattwhack’s moment of glory . Soon TW will be swallowing teef
I’m too lazy to look – is there a Fish Slap! category in our annual awards? Tattwhack is a contender. Not cudda, not shudda – IS.
Kelly looks vaguely familiar.