Sunday, January 26, 2014
How to Mock Herpsters
Sure it may be an ad for jeans. But the mock is postiviely HCwDBian (pronounced: “huhcwidibian”)
Sure it may be an ad for jeans. But the mock is postiviely HCwDBian (pronounced: “huhcwidibian”)
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I thought you might like that one Chief. The problem is that I am reminded once more of Peaches and have to do this by compulsion.
Here’s what’s coming. And you people, and Canadians, heard it here first.
What year is it? You all said “2014” of course. Except, most likely, Reverend Chad, who may have answered “2011” or “1997”.
And how did you pronounce it in your heads?
“Two Thousand Fourteen.”
But when you watch a sci-fi movie such as “Oblivion”, they say “2077”, as in “Twenty-Seventy Seven”.
That’s because we’re just emerging from the aught years, such as “2001”, i.e. “Two Thousand and One”.
Much as olde farts our age say “roll up the car window” or “let’s tape the superbowl”.
I just blew your minds.
Except, again, Reverend Chads.
I’m so stoned. I’m using voice voice recognition stuff to talking to this site it might better relay the twisted thoughts and my melon it’s working pretty good so far so I call you cereal little slut meant Siri that’s better. Let’s see how is little bit just typing this shit down spells 2014 she spells with numbers that’s what you just did damn you serious theory theory series series that’s better you can’t comment comment comment comment by just type it CUNT there are type that is your too stupid to spell Fisher is a lot better than typing anyway I think it’s 2013 or 14 but I think the only thing you let me type she’s going to type the computer thing she’s going to be able to spell 2112 sun. That was fun what are you smoking sock I’m never get a type another letter of my life except for a few spelling mistakes this thing works pretty good for mild arthritic hands she spelled arthritic right breast I’m impressed and shit son.
New paragraph new paragraph new paragraph new paragraph bitch. Stupid voice recognition software submit comment try to get submit comment try again submit comment I know what I’m doing wrong.
New paragraph submit comment you are dumb fucker I just you this is stupid!
New paragraph new new paragraph fuck it submit comment off fuck
I gonna get stoned. Enough of this jealousy! LOL
That dictionware bullshit sucks ball. Forgot to play RUSH
(respect). Stoned
In 1997, I was stoned and had memory issues and always
For what it’s worth, the woman behind Siri’s voice has been found – Susan Bennett. She has sort of a Sigourny Weaver/Jamie Lee Curtis thing goin’ on. She must’a been somthin’ before electricity:

Siri’s inability to discern between full nude and semi nude strip bars, as well as between juice bar and full bar clubs is a travesty. I’m sure Steve Jobs did not want me looking at pasties and drinking orange julius. The man was a visionary, and as such I’m sure he’d want us to find 17 year old coeds peeling down to nothing while we get our buzz on.
Oh, and regarding the video…da’fuck I juss watch?
Face Pelts.