but man oh man she is hott

    Monday, December 16, 2013

    Lawrence Winterbourne the IV Inherited His Fortune


    Lawrence Winterbourne the IV is very, very rich.

    He likes to remind you of this fact by spending exhorbitant fortunes on shoes and dinner parties.

    At those dinner parties, Lawrence Winterbourne the IV speaks loudly about the crisis of gumption and can-do work ethnic among today’s immigrants and working classes.

    Over port wine and beluga caviar, Lawrence Winterbourne the IV will expound at length about the crucial importance for today’s poorer classes to take any job available. To save every dollar. To prove their merit as only a meritocracy can. Through a strong work ethic.

    Only then will they achieve success.

    Like Lawrence Winterbourne the IVth did.

    Well, his father did.

    Well, his father’s father. Sort of.

    But it’s the same thing.

    Work hard and you will be rewarded!

    Sit around and ask for a handout, and you’re a lazy-ass who deserves everything you get.

    For Lawrence Winterbourne the IV really has your best interests at heart. He just wants to teach you a lesson about the realities of life. Especially among those of you struggling to pay your rent and feed your kids.

    For Lawrence Winterbourne the IV is what I like to call the Aristocroscrote.

    But for every tax shelter that Lawrence Winterbourne the IV sets up in the Carribbean, there’s an uberhott Debutante Debbie willing to vest his stocks.

    And that, my friends, is one of the great tragedies of our time.

    # posted by douchebag1