Caption This Pic
Monday, February 27, 2012
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Kelly was shocked to discover that the aroma of ‘roid sweat did not mix well with Tequila.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012Caption This Pic
When the gang at 31 Flavors discovered a life size Herspter Ken doll, much greco-roman formula was expunged.
Yeah, I got nuthin’. Can you do better? Take your best shot in the comments thread.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012Caption This Pic
Biff was certain “Cow” had two “o”s in it, but Angie’s angry gum snaps told him otherwise.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011Caption This Pic
When Season #3 of “The Walking Dead” failed to find viewership, network executives introduced a complex subplot involving energy drinks, cloth shredding gypsy moths, and a mutant groin virus that attacks the hypothalmus, leaving its victims in a state of perpetual primal “Woo,” only able to talk with a thick Long Island accent.
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The Tralfamadorians blinked their single eyes in deep meditative repose as they stared in wonderment and confusion at their latest exhibit, “Mating Calls of Southern Jersey.”
Wednesday, September 21, 2011Caption This Pic
When Ted decided to start up his own business, “Shirtless Bros With Overdeveloped Trapezius Muscles Promoting Clubs By Carrying Around Bikini Hotts,” the bank loan officer was, at first, quite skeptical.
EDIT: Props to readers Miss Scarlette and Leon Brothabag for correctly tagging this hott as Bikini Clara from Bikini Clara and Moped Mike.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011Caption This Pic
After the Green Latern failed to perform at the box office, “The Choad Warrior: Beyond Thunderboobs” represented a new thematic direction for Warner Brothers and Marvel Studios, or as Stan Lee called it, “Boobs.”
EDIT: For those who can’t take the garish nihilism of this pic, have some Undies Pear. And then caption that pic as well. With “Pear.”
EDIT: Okay this thread is too damn hilarious not to highlight a few captions. In no particular order:
ehcuodouche: Q: Who runs Douchetown? A: Leathervest Fwippyhair Tirechainnecklace runs Douchtown!
UFO Destroyers: Casual Fridays were never the same.
Douche Wayne: “The Grind” took a nasty turn when it was moved to MTV7 (Berlin).
wonderdouche twin: “Dumbass Dancing” a fun hip new take on an American Classic.
Wedgie: One and a Half Men.
Anonymous: The Girl With Fag an’ Tattoos
Baron Von Goolo: Each of their genital piercings is a broken half of the same heart. It’s really very charming when you think about it.
Some longer posts were even more genius, but gotta keep it short up here on the main. For laughs, read the whole thread.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011Caption This
“Jerome hacked and wheezed in great heaving spasms in hopes that his feigned choking episode would again result in his blonde friend attempting the “Hind Lick” maneuver.”
Alllllright. That sucked. Perhaps: “...and with one final swat of Cindy’s palm, the plastic baby head shot out of Tyrone’s colon with an audible *pop* and plinked directly into the middle of the punch bowl in front of the cabana. Red team wins again!“
Sorry. Final attempt: “Cursing her ill-advised attempt at amateur colonoscopies, Tina pummeled Drew’s backside in a futile attempt to get her VHS camcorder back out.“
There. I have set the bar. On the floor, perhaps, but still…Bring Forth The Mock, dear friends, as always – in the “comments” section.
Saturday, May 21, 2011Both Ends Baldy: A very special Saturday “Caption This Pic”, sponsored by the Baron Von Goolo Foundation for the National association for the advancement of Cthulhu
And now, a word from our sponsor:
“Luckily, the Make-A-Wish Foundation keeps some quality tail in their Rolodex for just such an occasion”.
Friday, May 20, 2011Caption This Pic: Baron Von Goolo’s Hit-and-Run Edition
First, before any of you dear readers ask, “But DS1…where is the DOUCHEBAG in this image!!!1!! LULZ!!!1!!“, in a high and keening nasal voice, allow me to point him out.
He’s on speed dial on Lickety Split’s iPhone, which is inside of her shoulder bag. You can just make it out between the thread pattern of the bag, if you REALLY zoom in. Yeah. That’s the ticket.
Second, Bag Hunter Supreme Baron Von Goolo throws the first stone in today’s impromptu yet fertile “Caption This”:
“”The snozzberries taste like snozzberries. And the camel toe tastes like father issues and bleach.”