Caption This Pic
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Caption This Pic
Somewhere in the deep suburbs of Lansing, Michigan, Barry comes up with, and plans to patent, a brilliant new way to insure that sorority girls Kelly and Kylie drunk.
Caption This Pic
After her fifth shooter, Steve’s tattoo led him to bust out his favorite pickup line on Sophie, “Wanna see my jigsaw nuzzle?”
(Provide your preferred caption in the comments thread)
Wednesday, September 1, 2010Caption This Pic
As Eddie watched the Land-o-Lakes Summer Carnival descend into a hedonistic bacchanal, only one thought comforted him: “I really like pudding.”
Wednesday, August 18, 2010Caption This Pic
M. Night Shyamalan’s “Douchebags in the Water” proved to be the nail in the coffin of his once promising career.
Third Place – Dr. Bunsen Honeydouche: The members of the new Swedish zither death metal-jazz-punk fusion band “Creampie Surprise” take a break from recording their debut album “Porch Beef Sharting”. Here we see band members (L to R) Derpalogaphous, Rectal Cancer Asshat, and Pustule enjoying a sunny Delaware afternoon outside their Salvation Army digs. Catch them at a local Waffle House near you.
Second Place – Vin Douchal: Phil Collins attempts comeback with “Blink 183″
First Place – Mr. Scrotato Head: The Grubslaughter Carnival employee appreciation pool party was a raging success until the Johnsons woke up, turned on the sprinklers, and called the cops.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010Caption This Pic
“No Suzanne, I said, ‘Blymy!”
Wednesday, July 28, 2010Caption This Pic
And suddenly Suzanne understood how “Lake Herpasaurus” got its name.
Thursday, June 3, 2010Caption This Pic
If there’s one thing Tony had learned in his years as a bouncer, it’s that there’s only way to remove an ass hickey. And it involves lemons.
Friday, March 25, 2005Caption This
It puts the Hooters in the diaper or it gets The Hose. The Fun Hose.
Caption This Spectacle
Alert (and angst-filled) Legendary Bag-Hunter Doc Bunsen sent this gem in, entitled “Reverend Chad’s Basement”.
See if you can top that.
The winner gets to ‘bate to this pear. And we’re on the Honor System, folks.
Hell…go ahead. We’re all winners here. And with that pear I won first…and second…soon to be third.
Friday, January 7, 2005Caption This photo! For Freedom.
DarkSock here, with your latest installment of “Caption This! Me first…
“The unfortunate Darlene Symanski was the first to discover the battery leak issue with the Lady Godiva Discreet Humming Butterfly Insert™.”
Now your turn; click on the “comments” tab…or if you’re into the parallel universe thing, click on the photograph like a dumb-ass. The best caption will get…Freedom™.**
**Special Notice – Stay tuned for a very special “Friday Thoughts n’ Links – Abs Edition”!!! Shout out to Vin “Gut-Shot” Diesel for the inspiration.