DarkSock slides into Alzheimers
Friday, May 6, 2005
Friday Haiku – DarkSock is Senile edition
Thanks for bearing wit’ me during my extended visitation with the little Socks in California. The Dude won the easter egg pear this go-round. sons.
She’s disappointed
Biff Precious tells her “Real Men…
They don’t eat Kei$ha”
The Dude said…
The Golden Girl look
First stage of transgender trip
Bottle blonde likes it
Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said…
Poison, Ratt, or
Winger? She don’t know because
roofies and E rock!
Vin Douchal said…
Razzle Douche looks like
Chris Squire f*cked a Swiffer
Rolls over in grave
hermit said…
Once, while drunk I
Fingered my sister-in-law
She looked like this dude
DoucheyWallnuts said…
This example of
Our species is closer to
Feces on two feet