Donk Donk Douche

    Monday, December 9, 2013

    Caption This Pic


    Okay; last post before I hand the keys I stole back to DB1 and slink off to my early morning date with The Ether.

    Caption this photo of Donkey Douche and his good friend Ash.   Full name:  Ash Clench**.  

    Note: For you purists, look closely behind Mr. Clench and you’ll see the left eyebrow and center belly button of a presumably hott chick. Hence proper form is observed and preserved.

    Now…have at, Gentlemen.

    **I swear Mr. Clench looks familiar…Could it be a pre-steriod basted Peter Pumpinhead?  Wheezer?  10 points to whomsoever can confirm or deny this shocking twist.

    # posted by Bagnonymous