Dude's got a shovel in th' trunk...

    Monday, November 25, 2013

    Your Monday Morning Bob Puker


    While ginormous douche-watches haunt the collective unconscious, and Bob Puker macks on Paid-to-Woo Sandra, it’s time your humb narrs fired things up around here.

    Lots of pics in the hamper, but always grateful to all who send in bag ‘tags. If ya have want to track down some quality HCwDB pics to submit for the site, send em to douchebag1 at hotchickswithdouchebags dot com. Or use the link up top.

    This site’s quality mock relies on the hard work of the pic hunters, and I tip my diaper-stained cup of Night Train to y’all for helping me to keep this place humming along.

    Your #2, DarkSock, is also recovering from some pretty heavy surgery. He’s fine, and will rejoin us shortly, but light a sparkler to Vishnu in his honor. These horses ain’t gonna pee in themselves.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Thursday, January 24, 2013

    Lurch McRoofie makes plans for the evening

    Run, girl

    Look at his eyes, Claudia.

    Seriously, dear Readers…cover the bottom of Lurch’s face with your hand and look at it.  LOOK AT IT.

    *sigh* Look at his face, not your hand. Work with me here, dammit.

    Damn, Girl, you betta make like Chris Christie/Hillary Clinton and make plans to start running…

    # posted by Bagnonymous