Monday, October 1, 2012
Jenny in the Land of Sci-Fi Herpster Poobags
One of Robert Heinlein’s lesser known novellas. But just as kinky as Heinlein’s 1980s Lazarus Long orgy stuff.
Thursday, September 27, 2012Herpsters Ruin Pabst Blue Ribbon
There was once a time when Pabst Blue Ribbon was the beer of choice for coolness.
That time is no longer.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012Herpster Jett Practices the Smushface on Elana
Herpster hat and z-neck chest reveal for societal micturation.
Elana’s soft, woven braids bepseak of hippie summer camps and pouty attitude, and yes, she only made out with the greasiest of patchouli-smelling Phishsterwanks when skipping class in the parking lot. But I forgive her. Because, at least she didn’t date a jockbag.
Thursday, July 26, 2012Herpsters
Still out there.
Still no longer listening to Gotye.
Monday, July 2, 2012Herpsters at the Prom
Somewhere, in the distance, a sullen D.J. in a lime-green shirt from the 1970s puts on a scratchy 45 by Laid Back.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012Herpster 'Stache
If you’d told me back in 2009, when orange ‘roidbags haunted the hotts, that ironic late 19th Century Herpster ‘Stache would become a popular trend in HCwDB configurations, I would’ve responded thusly:
“Balderdash! This hobbadehoy is a fimble-famble! Surely this rumbumptious hugger-mugger’s gullyfluff needs a rain napper, stat! A hoy hoy, me rusty guts is off the horn.”
Mmmm… Mindy Pout. A juggle worthy teddy fondle of a fort-night’s glute poke, if I’ve ever seen one. And I have seen one. Once. I wrote about it in my diary.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012Herpster Wannabe Jason Schwartzmann Charms Shyen-Lin
But really, aren’t all herpsters, at their core, variations of Jason Schwartzmann?
Thursday, June 7, 2012Herpsters in the Wild
It’s like witnessing a rare Yangtze River Dolphin after breaking the crest of the morning tide in search of food.
And by rare, I mean common.
And by witnessing, I mean stupid-ass herpster shirts in presence of giggle former librarian hotts who know not for whom they cuddle, and whose douche glasses make the DB1 shed a single tear.
Thursday, June 7, 2012American Herpster
Flag crotch, irono ‘stache, and cheap beer punch Lady Liberty in the ladybits.
Thursday, June 7, 2012Herpster iPhone Self Portraits
Lest there be any doubt as to the douchebag connection within the Herpster Trend, let this iPhone self portrait slay all dissenting voices with a firm revelation of pixel evidence.
Herpster Thursday continues.
Let us witness.
And then let us never speak of this day again.