Limerick-Haiku Hoe-Down

    Wednesday, January 5, 2005

    John Cougar (and) MelonBarf


    Well now…This photograph pretty much captures the essence, the ” je ne sais quoi” if you will, of Hot Chicks with Douchebags, does it not? The very feely-feel of the site.

    For this most wretched of weekdays – Monday – I propose we have a combination Haiku-Limerick ho-down. The best will be put on the front page, oh, say mid-week given the more stately pace of the site these days.

    Posit your metered musings, as always, in the comments section.

    # posted by Bagnonymous
    Wednesday, January 5, 2005

    John Cougar (and) MelonBarf


    Well now…This photograph pretty much captures the essence, the ” je ne sais quoi” if you will, of Hot Chicks with Douchebags, does it not? The very feely-feel of the site.

    For this most wretched of weekdays – Monday – I propose we have a combination Haiku-Limerick ho-down. The best will be put on the front page, oh, say mid-week given the more stately pace of the site these days.

    Posit your metered musings, as always, in the comments section.

    # posted by Bagnonymous