
    Thursday, February 13, 2014

    Your Daily Nez: How Not To Get Through a Snow Day

    unnamed (6)
    If you find yourself frustrated, covered in melting ice, digging a car out of a snowbank, or otherwise trapped in by inclement weather, do not, I repeat, do NOT, entertain the following thought:

    Somewhere, in sunnier climates, Pert Fertile Fiona has decided to cofondle with Greaser Chadwick Von Dickhead.

    Do not let that thought enter your mind. Not for one second. Forget you read this post. Forget it now.

    For it will not help.

    It is a reverse mantra.

    It is a thought that is the opposite of Zen.

    It is what I call “Nez.”

    # posted by douchebag1