Tuesday, April 2, 2013
P.M. Douche and the Poolbaggery Manifesto
Ah, but yes. PunchMe Douche has enlisted the help of Squib Largeman in his bid to take over the Rehab rip-off pool at the nameless Indian Casino located off of I-10 east of Palm Springs. As evinced in this photograph, mayhaps P.M. Douche is interested in the wrong sort of cans.
Meanwhile, in continuing tasteful black & white pear land…here’s another attempt to introduce another thinly-veiled beloved pear reference into a post by DarkSock.
Thursday, March 21, 2013HCwDB After Dark
It’s all about the cufflinks.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013Cocky Racoon Learns to Make Love the Old Fashioned Way
With an electric cattle prod, a half-pound of bacon grease, and a short Guatalupe towelboy named Yajah offering Gatorade, ice milk, and nipple clamp cathode rays delivered in short bursts to the upper colon.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013"Cocky Racoon And The Case of the Missing Crisco"
Sure it’s easy to look back at Shel Silverstein’s unpublished 1973 children’s book, “Cocky Racoon and the Case of the Missing Crisco” and say that it’s totally inappropriate for children.
But it was the early 70s, man.
Times was different.
Back then, children’s books frequently featured fondling, group orgies, rampant drug use, goth makeup, and an annoying, trendy music video director slash fashion photographer from Dusseldorf shouting “Make eeet beeger!! Sexierrrrr!!” at models by a pool.
It had a moral lesson, too.
Don’t do drugs, kids.
Or grease up for a trendy music video director slash fashion photographer from Dusseldorf.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012Nikki and Kelly Learn the Truth about Crotchvine
Crotchvine smells like coconut oil.
Crotchvine has never been a big fan of Celine Dion.
Crotchvine does not like licorice.
Crotchvine occasionally practices trumpet. But only alone.
Crotchvine once wrote a book about wildebeests.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012Lance and Kara express dismay over The Hot Taco
Lance and Kara stand off in the wings, watching the spectacle unfold that is The Hot Taco in all his cumin-laced glory, and they begin to question their life choices with lugubrious introspection…
Wednesday, June 20, 2012A Whole Pile of Disturbing Creepiness
I just hosed off my crotch with bleach spray shot out of a water cannon. I advise you to do the same.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012Mitch and Monica By The Pool
John Largeman watches pensively with a preponderance of Budweiser and Zen.
Friday, June 8, 2012Captains Hats Imply an Ironic and Playful Sensibility
Captain Hats.
The Hot Chick equivalent of douche tatts.
Wait, maybe douche tatts are the hot chick equivalent of douche tatts. Wait, is that a tautology? Mash up Einstein’s dice quote in Hawking’s robotic voice, and you have a solution to that paradox.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012Jesus Bling and Poolbags
Kids kids kids, don’t you know that this is how pregnancy starts?