Random HCwDB Movie
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Riff Raff Continues to Cash In
The Artist still known as Riff Raff continues to attempt douchebaggery as performance art.
Do not be fooled.
Self-reflexive and ironic douchebaggery is just douchebaggery under another paradigm.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012Happy Halloween!!
Happy Halloween from all of us here at HCwDB.
And by all of us I mean me (with the occasional ‘Sock and BvG week).
Tuesday, October 2, 2012In Denmark, They Take the Bus
Epic Bus.
Friday, August 10, 2012The DB1 Tries Out for the Olympics
Here’s a little known fact about my past, before I started mocking douchebags for a living. I was once an ambitious Olympic hurdler. Here’s a video of my last career race, which, unfortunately for all involved, did not end so well.
I am also a short Chinese man. At least for the purposes of this joke.
Carry on, my wayward son.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012Porn Stars Attempt HCwDB Comedy with "Hollywood Douchebag"
As Ron Jeremy once said upon scratching his hirsute nethers, “Oy.”
I look forward to my residuals being paid in “Late to the Party” tokens. Either that, or massive daddy issues, a drinking problem, and clinging to the fading hope of vague promises of an audition for a hosting job with “E” that a sleazy dude who claimed to be a producer made one night at El Compadre.
Friday, May 25, 2012Douche Parking
Even Londoners are getting in on the mock.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012"Die Antwoord" Freaks Out David Letterman
Brilliant surrealist performance art?
Gussied up Eurotrash by way of South African douchepuddlery?
You know where I stand. I have chunks of edgier rebellion in my stool.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012George Takei is a 'Bag Hunter
Are you listening, Brobot?
Tuesday, January 10, 2012America's Got Talent
Tina got more licks than Eddie Van Halen after huffing a paper bag of hydrocooked No-Dose.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011Happy 5772!!
Happy New Year to all Hebraic readers of the Talmudic persuasion. 5,772 years ago, the culture that bought us this and this, and, oh yeah, your humble narrator, began its calendar.
That video needs more Semitic Hottness, and less Orthobags.