Reader Mail

    Thursday, May 27, 2010

    Reader Mail: The Unisex Yaz Dangler

    Reader Sac writes in:



    so this chick’nhead tries holla’n at my nigga Mocha…

    this chick’nhead must be out her got-damn mind…see, cause Mocha is a junk yard dawg..he drops Sergio Valente style in people’s assholes.

    and that niggaa goes both ways kidd, girls and guys, girls and guys…

    that bandana is a retard tourniquet set to strangle…you heard of the bloods, you heard of the Crips…you ever heard of the Unisex Yaz Danglers?

    – Sac


    I have no idea what that email just said, am not at all a fan of the word “nigga,” but it reads like a brilliant tone poem, and I must give props to anyone who comes up with the phrase “drops Sergio Valente style in people’s assholes.”

    # posted by douchebag1
    Thursday, May 13, 2010

    Reader Mail: The O-Face



    I’m friends with the thicker babe on the right, and once I saw this picture, I knew it was worthy of being on your hilarious site! For some reason, I just want to give both girls great, big, 5 minute-long…hugs.

    Just hugs. That’s it.

    If I ever had a chance to do so, I know I’d hear Joanna Newsome playing in my head while a rosy, hazy filter enveloped my sight. And I pray that these lovely girls didn’t indulge “O-Face” and his persuasive, sans-serifed shirt with ginseng root chain, but I’m (really) afraid they did…

    – E.G.


    “Ginseng root chain.” I don’t know what that is, but somehow it says it all.

    Good tag, E.G., and may you someday get that “hug.”

    # posted by douchebag1
    Saturday, May 8, 2010

    Reader Mail: Will's "Frat Warrior" Theory



    I am a veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan. After getting out of the Army, I moved to a college town and have observed an increased amount of douchebaggery since having left my home to enlist in the military. I kept thinking to myself, “What are they doing? What the hell are they thinking?”

    After some contemplation I devised a hypothesis based on frat bags attempting to copy warrior cultures of past and present. See what you think…


    Will (Vuil)


    Good work, Will. You are correct to focus on how tribal rites of passage for young men reemerge in the proving grounds of the frat age.

    Head on over to Facebook to check out the rest of Will’s important academic critique.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Saturday, May 8, 2010

    Reader Mail: Will’s “Frat Warrior” Theory


    I am a veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan. After getting out of the Army, I moved to a college town and have observed an increased amount of douchebaggery since having left my home to enlist in the military. I kept thinking to myself, “What are they doing? What the hell are they thinking?”

    After some contemplation I devised a hypothesis based on frat bags attempting to copy warrior cultures of past and present. See what you think…

    Will (Vuil)


    Good work, Will. You are correct to focus on how tribal rites of passage for young men reemerge in the proving grounds of the frat age.

    Head on over to Facebook to check out the rest of Will’s important academic critique.

    # posted by douchebag1