Monday, February 10, 2014

Headwound Johnson Cuddles with Sheeny Tera


Mack the Nozzle? Or just a doppelganger? Either way, nothing says O.G. quite like the Cadillac logo.

Top it off with actual hawk and douche everything, and the baby Budda tibbles in a tinky winky.

Sheeny Tera is all sorts of barmaid generational tradition. Sheeny Teras have been serving suds to many a lonely patron for many a century.

And we keep coming back.

Because maybe this time, she’ll pick us.

# posted by douchebag1
Monday, February 10, 2014

Breaking: Rich Douche, Poor Douche


I may be in NYC, but I’m staying up on the hard hitting news stories that are changing the world as we speak.

Some sagging German asstaint, pictured here, declares bankruptcy after living up the scrotal lifestyle:

An aging Miami-based playboy, known for his yachts, cars, wine and women, claims he has ‘burned’ through his $90 million fortune and now has just $300,000 to his name, which he is spending at a rate of $50,000 a month.

Thomas Kramer, a high-flying German former real estate investor with a penchant for lavish parties and near-constant vacations, has opened up about how he went from minted to skint in a deposition related to a $108 million, still unpaid, judgement from 2007.

The 56-year-old, who says he has no job and no income, is claiming poverty in the case, and explains he’s made tough choices to reign in his lifestyle, including selling his boats and valuable artworks and instructing his butler, maid and maintenance man to come only a few days a week.

Somewhere in Bulgaria, a town offers refuge.

Soon, all the uberdouches will leave us and form their own colony. They call it “Going Gator.”

# posted by douchebag1
Monday, February 10, 2014

Your Humble Narrator is in Cold-Ass NYC


I left palm trees to come back to this? The pizza better make it worth it.

And it will.

# posted by douchebag1
Sunday, February 9, 2014

Everything You Know About Penises is Wrong

# posted by douchebag1
Friday, February 7, 2014

Friday Thoughts and Links


When Sharon Whose Hair Smells Like Premium Suave Conditioner with Coconut Scent cohabits with Oily Bohunk Dave, then you know life is a shriveled nad of nad prune.

Your humb narrs is heading to the big NYC next week. HC1 and BC1 in tow.

First time back since I gave up that sweet sweet East Village rent stabilized apartment a year and a half ago.

Oh how sad to be a tourist in the city of my youth.

Back when the internet boomed, the deficit balanced, new subway cars were introduced with robot voices, and many, many hot 20-something ladies watched too much Sex and the City, decided to drink cosmos and exhibit loose moral behavior.

Them’s were the days.

Now I’ll be changing diapeys and hope I can hit Joe’s at least twice.

Here’s yer links:

Your HCwDB Buy Some Shite after Clicking this Amazon Link And Help Support the Site Link of the Week: “Dope will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no dope.”

The Grieco virus during incubation.

Justin Bieber’s father. What’s the word I’m looking for? Oh yes. Spincterpeanutbutteraardvarklick.

My new favorite xBox 360 game: Call of Doodie.

My interest in the Winter Olympics is the equivalent of a scary balloon clown.

Have you ever seen this much muscle on a man?

Club institutes new rules for douchebaggery. I approve.

People in photos with dogs pooping.

For those humorless hipsters of the greater San Francisco area: The underground economics of Dolores Park.

The most terrible, misleading statement about pear of all time.

Here’s your moment of zen: Twenty-four hour time lapse of lawn furniture in snow.

Okay. That’s all I got. It’s a little bit scary but here ya go:


Kind of a bummer. Literally.

So how’s about to make up for it:

A Lineup of Masked Bums

Go forth and gnaw.

# posted by douchebag1
Friday, February 7, 2014

Friday Haiku


He is gaseous
In his assius, like Clay
Who is Cassius.

Groundhog sees shadow
Winter of our discontent
Lasts until Spring Break

— The Dude

Tiger-print Trunks Tool
Transgendered Thai Tat-Trollop

– Bag Em Tag Em

Alex, I will take
“leeches on our economy”
for the two hundred

— Magnum Douche P.I.

There are a lot of
Turds in the pool today, where
Is Bill Murray at?

– Capt. James T. Douche

Tattooed detritus
In poolside underbelly
Create Hell on Earth

— DoucheyWallnuts

# posted by Bagnonymous
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Greasey Jesus Hits on Hot Aunt Lonnie


The truly transcendent douchestain is the one that features Jesus bling in both tattoo and necklace format.

Hot Aunt Lonnie giggles politely, even as a primal instinct for flight tremblars through her synapses.

Run Hot Aunt Lonnie! Run like gazelle from stenchy tiger!

# posted by douchebag1
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Well Now I Just Feel Dirty


Cannot… unsee…

Must… get… clean…



# posted by douchebag1
Thursday, February 6, 2014




# posted by douchebag1
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Pop Quiz!


When Manny wants to class it up before hitting on Kelly at the Phila Theta Omega midterm kegger, he should:

A) “Get a sportcoat all up in that bitch!”

B) “Breath mints. But not Altoids. That stuff’s way megawhack. I’m talkin’ premium breath mints. St. Clares and shit.”

C) “Classy? Bitch I’m classy naked! I was born classy! When my balls hit bathwater, that bathwater becomes classy bathwater!”

D) “Hey, what’s this quiz for anyway? Cuz, like, I gotta get back”

# posted by douchebag1
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