Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Conservative Bob Cuts Loose on a Tuesday

it's still just wrong

Because we all need to indulge our fetishes sooner or later.

# posted by douchebag1
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Where's Trevor?


Somewhere in this pic of Southern Woo Stateschoolettes I’ve carefully hidden Trevor.

Look closely.

Can you hear him talk about Call of Duty: Ghosts to Kelly?

# posted by douchebag1
Monday, November 25, 2013

Byron Tries To Look Like an Art Student at 30


Sexy Mama Karen isn’t really that impressed. But these Corona Lights aren’t going to drink themselves while complaining that Damien Hirst is the Michael Bay of Andy Warhols.

# posted by douchebag1
Monday, November 25, 2013

The Check-Please Guy


There’s always one in every crowd.

The dude who’s got a sure fire stock tip and brags about the engine in his white BMW 535.


That guy.

Finger guy.

The guy who ruins the various games the other four are throwing at Cute Officeworker Cindy.

Stare at it long enough and a Ron Howard movie might break out.

# posted by douchebag1
Monday, November 25, 2013

Your Monday Morning Bob Puker


While ginormous douche-watches haunt the collective unconscious, and Bob Puker macks on Paid-to-Woo Sandra, it’s time your humb narrs fired things up around here.

Lots of pics in the hamper, but always grateful to all who send in bag ‘tags. If ya have want to track down some quality HCwDB pics to submit for the site, send em to douchebag1 at hotchickswithdouchebags dot com. Or use the link up top.

This site’s quality mock relies on the hard work of the pic hunters, and I tip my diaper-stained cup of Night Train to y’all for helping me to keep this place humming along.

Your #2, DarkSock, is also recovering from some pretty heavy surgery. He’s fine, and will rejoin us shortly, but light a sparkler to Vishnu in his honor. These horses ain’t gonna pee in themselves.

# posted by douchebag1
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Music in the Key of "Hey!"

Herpster folk rock.

Shouting “hey!” in rhythmic form since early 2011.

# posted by douchebag1
Saturday, November 23, 2013


Nothing gives me greater joy than seeing the douche mock continue to go global.

Our work here has not been in vain, my friends.

# posted by douchebag1
Friday, November 22, 2013

Friday Thoughts and Links

Fwip McFriddle and Average Sue

Ya know, it’s one set of trashiness when the ladies are getting the frontal tramp stamps to mark their skin with the taint of collective poo.

It’s quite another when average joes like Fwippy are doing it.

Not a good career move, Fwippy.

Combine the Groin Shave Reveal, fwip hair, and tonguedouchery, and it’s enough to kick an aarvark in the sphincter.

But I can’t be too upset. For it’s Friday.

And you know what that means.

Me. Scratching myself. Watching TV. And changing diapers.

Here’s your links:

Your HCwDB Retro Alt Lit Book Pic of the Week: “They’re whackin’ off to it, fer chrissake!”

The day Leonard Nimoy gave a cab ride to John F. Kennedy. An amazing read.

Things that should not happen in life: Dudes in speedos at sporting events. Regardless of whether linkbait borg website Buzzfeed finds him “hot” or not.

So it turns out if you record crickets chirping and slow it down, it sounds like people singing.

Sign #5 that the apocalypse is nigh.

Brothabags, Abs, and Nipple Reveal. (nominally NSFW)

Instagram and the female douchebag.

Qatar stadium looks like a giant, um… oyster.

Here are some porn videos for your weekend entertainment. The greatest of all women, Pornstars in videos here for you to compare you girlfriend or wife with. Once again we have found the best sex videos for you to enjoy until our next update 🙂 (Sponsored Links)

Funny faces in everyday objects. Green pepper faces for the win.

The advantages of the Pear.

Bleeth. No. Strike that. Awful human being.

Ok, here’s your pear:

Coffee Pear

And all was settled in Liliputia.

# posted by douchebag1
Friday, November 22, 2013

Friday Haiku


Creeper Max Headdouche,

Ruins Bro Pete’s mad sexin’,

Sad clowns weep at fair.


Festival Omen

Satriani Photobomb

Harbinger of Doom

– Bag Em Tag Em

The Thing with Two Heads

is remade. Box office bomb.

Rosey Grier weeps

– Charles Nelson Douchely

My mannaries fail

Vestigial glands do not

Provide mommy’s milk

– The Dude

Kim regrets Christian

Mingle date. Profile pic left

out his conjoined twin

– Magnum Douche P. I.

You don’t bring your Mom

to Burning Man, you moron

Monkey on your back?

– Dickie Fingers

The Nazca Lines dress

disorients aliens:

Planet of the Douche!

– Charles Douchewin

Misplaced boob fondle

Shady largeman unholy

MILF gets impatient

– Dr Magnifico

It puts the glasses

In the basket or it gets

The hose. New Wave Hose.

– The Reverend Chad Kroeger

# posted by douchebag1
Thursday, November 21, 2013

JB Sings Limp Bizkit Covers at Karaoke Tuesday


Chiquita Vanessa, a quality selection of quality suckle bobble, is unamused by JB’s choice of life-preserver wearing antics.

# posted by douchebag1
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