Thursday, November 21, 2013

Suburban Gangsta Joe is Totally Gangsta


Little known fact about throwing gang signs in outer Long Island when surrounded by loving friends and family: It makes you a douchescrote.


That’s actually a well known fact.

I’d also like to welcome the long time fans of HCwDB over at Girls Gone Wild who just bought an ad to help keep the site going. Show them some love. They’ve come a long way since whassisface left.

# posted by douchebag1
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Jen Kim's Wild Night


This isn’t going to end well.

# posted by douchebag1
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Nice Guy Chuck Wins at the Game of Life


Even with the barely pubescent ‘stache, Nice Guy Chick Wins.

His prize?

Sclutsy Sophia.

What’s “Sclutsy” you ask? Sclutsy, a word I just made up, is when slutty and classy cohabit to form eternal loin want.

Enter that one in Urban Dictionary.

Either that, or Officer Sclutsy was the chief villain in West Side Story. I can’t remember which.

# posted by douchebag1
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Miserable Hal


You might think partying with sexy cuddle blondes on a Tuesday would inspire at least some human emotion in a sentient human being.

A smile.

A glimmer of recognition of the conscious state of living.

You’d be wrong.

Miserable Hal don’t play conscious states of emotional inner life.

Miserable Hal got no time for that. No matter how many hotties are provided. To paraphrase Zeppelin, the thong remains the same.

# posted by douchebag1
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Old Guy Greg


Old Guy Greg is half way there.

Old Guy Greg is livin’ on a prayer.

No, literally.

He worked at the studio when they recorded that song. As the old guy.

And to think, just last year Awkward Hott Kelly and the Barely Legal Sisters actually worked at the Legal Seafood in Chestnut Hill.

Ironic, given the then-illegality of their haddock.

You thought I was gonna say clams.


# posted by douchebag1
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Douche 2.0: The Herpster

so so punchworthy

Lets hear it for the herpsters!

For without their farm-to-table Movember asswankery, sweet cupcakes like Marissa might be forced to date someone who doesn’t cheat on her at Burning Man.

As Rashi once said, you can’t spell artisanal without anal.

# posted by douchebag1
Monday, November 18, 2013

Some Guy With Glasses Boobs


Large sunglasses.

The tool by which those who cannot face the truth of their dearth of spiritual depth are able to hide in plain sight.

Too depressing for a Monday?

Don’t make me post the Zapped fart again.

No universe is totally devoid of meaning if it contains a Willie Aames.

# posted by douchebag1
Monday, November 18, 2013

Riddle Me This!…


What has red hair, looks like the 1980s coughed up a hair metal ball, and hangs with Elvira’s less famous cousin, Dwarfvira?

Tune in next week!

Same butt time!…

Same butt channel!…


Instead of bat.

You get it.

# posted by douchebag1
Monday, November 18, 2013

Mike Has Phantom Breasts


Princess Nicole’s, however, are very real.

Real in the tactile sense, of course. I’m not reaching conclusive forensics on whether said mamalians conform to the genetic blueprint as originally determined. I leave that to far better scholars and scientists than I.

# posted by douchebag1
Sunday, November 17, 2013

Fratbag or Clever College Performance Artist?

So some college bro’s self-aware ironic Vines are now sweeping the internets, and I’m on the fence about this guy.

Fratbag by another name? Or a dude who’s mastered the joy of being an idiot in college?

Okay, I’ll probably have to go nottabag and give the guy props. There’s some quality creativity in there.

# posted by douchebag1
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