Friday, January 28, 2005
Your Weekend Movie
Alert reader Charles Douchewin shared this latest marketing effort to create artificial demand for the latest artificially over-priced adouchrement. Watch and see if you can spot what it is.
Hint: “Chest Lettuce”.
Truly appalling.
That guy is like 5’2″ if that. The hanky is bigger than his head. It’s meant to be a pocket square, wearing it like that (if at all) looks like once of Prince’s blouses (respect).
Young Lady at 1:18 has chest lettuce… err… chest cabbages… I can believe in!
Wow! I just went through the kitchen “fruity dishtowels I told the Mrs. to never let see light” drawer and found $400 worth of chest lettuce. Ims gonna follow up and check out what the Kleenexes have been up to.
Those cocksmokers are likely wearing pocket doilies as well.
Wear a pocket square and suspenders and get your rental car stolen by a rancid hooker. Been there before, Miami sucks.
Social Inclusion in the Preakness today.
The sheer purity of douchitude renders this video almost art.
And remember boys, it’s never the size of your handkerchief, but the character of the man who wears it.
See, Bill Murray gets it right.
A Bold, Unique, hand-crochet pocket square that will add an effortless touch of presence to your suit or blazer. It’s more than just a pocket square, its a pocket statement!
Sweet fuck CD! Where did you find this latest form of Peacockery? Surely not in Toronto.
Rev, no. I can’t blame your frozen-hellscape of a country for this.
These days, I’m dressing more like an academic version of Douchey Wallnuts (who KNOWS how to wear a pocket square), and the video came up through the Googles.
Toronto’s not bad; Queen St. East and West is fairly cool, Yonge towards the waterfront is interesting, but King West is the worst. I also avoid the space between Spadina and Bathurst. Club-skanks and douchebags running amok.
Rev, this neverending winter is the worst. I heard Ray Bradbury lived in Guelph for a year, and to cope, he wrote “All Summer in a Day”.
I blame the “pocket statement” for hell freezing over.
I must say that Sock provided a Pear-o-palooza yesterday which I had to view a second time. I see a clear violation of the Founder’s (respect) rules.
Exhibit number 1.
I see labia minora. And by labia minora I mean bravo and jolly good work Son.
Pond Pear from the last thread has embedded herself in my inflamed nodules. I’d like to wash her hair with traditional lye soap made from pig’s feet and seashells then rinse with rainwater and wrestle her for a twelve [pack of warm beer and a small bowl of raw ch9icken.
I’m fucjked.
Thank You Lord for restoring my traditional avatar and shit, son.
Non quia ille maior Obscura excarnificatus alchimia soccum septimo circulo inferni, in perpetuum a ferrugineae collum falce operatur frigore cursus odio, unus vir, multa passus est, quia omnes qui in nullo Unde unus nervus a via. Ut apud Latinos in mane eighties, in igne Sancti Ermi, furit aestus ultrices cursus rutrum est, a circumferentia ad centrum, ut in current CORREPTIO expellendo omne quod est vis, et exploding ad unum. . Hey Hemit. Filium. Stooned. . Biggsians
Chest Lettuce + Shingles = Chest Fever
I just blew my own mind. Bubba Kush man.
@ dickie fingers:
The new post allows you to share. Spare us NOTHING.
I mean….
@ dickie fingers:
The new post allows you to share. Spare us NOTHING.
Hold on, I thought he was trying to sell glory hole doilies in a Phu Khet bar.