Friday, August 14, 2015
Humpster Dumpster
Humpster Dumpster sat on a wall,
Humptster Dumpster had a great fall,
All Stephanie’s besties,
And all Stephanie’s friends,
Agreed that Humpster Dumpster’s ginormous douchelips should be smacked with a rusty kaiser blade by Anthony Michael Hall.
I have a feeling this picture was cropped too high on the bottom.
Also, someone needs to photshop in a 155mm artillery shell about to hit humpster in the face.
Douchebags in pupa sunglasses put the Slap! in Fishslap!
This pic captures the irritation produced by the Grieco virus. Happy, nice-looking gal right smack in the middle of a bad life choice.
May 2? Fraiku…
A douchebag with fish lips and glasses
Brings new meaning to “Let’s act like asses”
Thought he scored this hot chick
But his limp flaccid dick
Left her queefing out nasty puss gases
A fat assed crank in a track suit
Is decidely not that hirsute
She shaves his sack
While his fish lips react
No sex for them, that sitch is moot
A Bleeth with some hott sexy pluck
Loves her boobs tickled and suckt
After a long session
Look at his expression
His motorboat face , it got stuck
Charlie D won last week’s Friaku, and his Hottie Easter Egg comes from RevChad; check it out here: