
    Saturday, June 6, 2020

    Gator-Poo 2020

    Just sayin’.

    Talk about a balanced ticket.

    And by balanced ticket, I mean lots of roids and excessive bronzer that resembles offensive forms of historical vaudeville.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Friday, October 23, 2015

    The Evolution of Hottie/Douchey Cohabit


    Hark! Halt!

    Put down that greasy/lumpy cig smoking choadtollery cohabit with Sultry Poor Credit Charlotte and listen!

    Like Willy Loman, attention must be paid!

    Douche with Hott Paradox is now, finally, evolutionarily and Darwinianly explained!

    Yes, it all now makes sense.

    Chief Dances With Crabs.

    Poppa Squatter.

    Even this unholy collection of toxic sparrow spittle.

    Brazilian Emo Hulk understands. It knew it this entire time.

    The answer was simple. The rippling lobsterian torsos of fate are nothing more than the mechanism of deception by which hott is fooled.

    I suppose after eight years of this site in its prime, we already knew that. But what the heck. It is good to be reminded once again.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Thursday, February 6, 2014

    Well Now I Just Feel Dirty


    Cannot… unsee…

    Must… get… clean…



    # posted by douchebag1
    Wednesday, January 22, 2014

    Vinny Del Peen Says, "Stay Warm, East Coast!"


    I have no idea if Kathy Del Mar is a man, woman, or some combination therein. But I do know that Vinny Del Peen sucks and with a lower level of submissions to HCwDB these days, these are the HCwDBs we go to war with, to paraphrase Rumsfeld.

    My insecure sexuality is rattled. Need more Israeli Semitic Booble Suckle Gal Gadot to reassure me.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Friday, December 14, 2012

    HCwDB Smells Like Poo – 2012 ButtNugget o' the Year

    DarkSock here, sniffing the Poo for You. So you don’t have to.

    I’m offering up the cascading cornapoopia dribbling down the hirsute cursed legs of the foul beast we shall relegate to the anals of history as Twenty-Aught-Twelve.  We wander zombie-like in this Land of the Lost, and these Sleeze-Stacks are the ones who made the loudest “sputta-chutt-chutt” machine-gun staccato  whilst escaping the event horizon of the brown-eyed swirl of the societal balloon knot we call DoucheLand:

    Runny-Up # 3The Squirrel and the Vomit

    ab reveal equals crab reveal

    Ab Reveals? More like Crab Reveals. 10 points to House of Slytherin for Xena of the SkullCrusher Thighs on the left there. *I’d like my c*ckk ring back, dear.  It’s not meant to be an earring.*

    Runny-Up #2The BandHoles:

    band on the runs

    More like Band On The Runs. Ugh. Taking the term “Shitty Cover Band” far too literally. Next…

    Runny-Up #1Captain and The Tetanus:

    sailing the seas of those golden globes

    While we are compelled to gawk at the spectacle that is Captain Chesty McRibMeat and daydream about  sailing ’round her Golden Globes (to quote Jacques Douchetou, “Those cans are so round she lactates marbles”), alas this runny-up goes to The Tetanus. Because he puts the “ANUS” it “Tetanus”.

    Smells like Poo 2012Crotchos


    Yeah. That’s what I thought. You’d forgotten about this skid-mark on the porcelain bowl of our collective consciousness, didn’t you? Lest there be any doubt or debate…look at this. LOOK AT IT:


    The world ends not with a bang…but with a *poot*.



    # posted by Bagnonymous
    Friday, February 10, 2012

    Aquabag Mugging Jeannie Represents Explosive Diarrhea In the Face of Society

    Apologies for the graphic title, but this pic deserves a graphic title.

    Man, my soul hurts. This has been a depressing week in the fight over douchebaggery in presence of hott. Feels like our post Jersey Shore reality is giving way to a resurgence in things like nuclear douchegoggles and hottie headlocks.

    Time for a Mr. Pibb over ice for consolation and quiet meditation.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Tuesday, January 31, 2012

    A Whole Lotta Shite

    Someone please flush.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Thursday, August 11, 2011

    Wilhelm’s Tie Proves the Spicolli Theorem

    No shirt.

    No shoes.

    Nooooo diiiiiice.

    So sayeth the immortal words of Jeff Spicolli to Brad Hamilton at the All American Burger, where Brad worked, like, six months ago.

    And so let it be written on the subway walls and tenement halls as a warning to all that goeth into clubs to mack on confused foreign exchange students with no hint of boob reveal and bad tattoos.

    Shirtless + Tie = the stupidhead.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Wednesday, July 6, 2011

    Poppa Squatter

    Sometimes the waiting period for entrance into our hallowed Closet of Poo is waived (wiped), and immediate flush is granted.

    This is one of those times.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Thursday, May 26, 2011

    Caption This

    “Tonya would be forever grateful to her cousins for the donations of their entire livers and kidneys. However, Vin and Joey were beginning to feel a little jaundiced about the whole affair.”

    ^Okay, Baghunters; I didn’t exactly set the bar too high. Bring it, guys…

    # posted by Bagnonymous
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