Monday, September 18, 2023

(NOT) BREAKING: Russell Brand is a douchebag

The latest news about this odious toxic spew of a greasy celebubag is about as surprising as finding out Bill Maher routinely hires prostitutes or that Jared Leto likes underage girls.

Oh wait, those stories haven’t broken yet, have they.

Here’s what I wrote when a reader asked me about Brand and I decided he deserved Honorary Douchebag of the Month back in March of 2009.  Yep, his toxic wankpuffery has been around that long.

Hello DB1,

Wondering if you had any good pictures of rising douchewanker Russell Brand.

A British comedian that looks like the spawn of a known scrote Mystery from that reality TV show. He’s like the Dane Cook of the UK to be exact. Well it looks like Comedy Central is giving him his own Comedy Central Presents. Least to say I’m already annoyed by his post-baroque hair style and series of unfunny quips. I’d like to hear your wise commentary on this one particular douche.



Much like puds Dane Cook and John Mayer, Russell Brand attempts to use a sly self-knowing ironic framework with which to justify the authentobaggery at work at his core.

This is no excuse.

The primping, preening invocation of 19th Century British “Dandy” culture enrages both Benjamin Disraeli and Oscar Wilde. It is nostalgia repurposed as originality under guise of danger, yet it is none of the three. Attempts to use a humor framework to justify the “game” is simply another game, and is to be denounced as such.

Even worse, Brand spends many interviews talking about how many women he bangs, then undercuts the bravado by framing it as a form of “shtick,” in reference to his screwed up childhood. Using biographical trauma as justification for a desire to get laid? Even worse.

If you want to get laid, get laid, Brandbag. Just don’t annoy the rest of us with your compulsive neediness, then perform like it’s all an “act.” It’s not. You’re turtle feed in the aquarium of Hollywood mirror culture. Yet neither Cuff nor Link want to consume you. So slowly dissolve in the water by the marbles.


# posted by admin
10:07 pm October, 3 IL Duce said...

🥇 First! … HCWDB what happened to us?

10:49 pm October, 19 MC900FootDouchebag said...

Like a moth to the flame I’m drawn back to HCwDB. The hot chicks are a never ending renewable resource as are, unfortunately, the douchebags.

His name is Russell
His Brand is Giant Douche Bag
May he rot in jail

8:44 am November, 20 Kerri said...

His conspiracy theory-filled podcasts and videos and his anti-vax rants make Aaron Rodgers seem reasonable and Joe Rogan sound intelligent, so RB has at least accomplished what most sane people thought was impossible.

9:21 pm December, 20 The Dude said...

It just dawned on me that 2023 was to be the year of HCWDB’s Guggenheim Exhibit

6:55 pm August, 20 jonezy said...

Wow, been quite some time since I’ve visited these hallowed halls.

Indeed Dude – crazy that Guggenheim 2023 exhibit is now actually in the past. Crazy.

Always and forever be indebted to our fearless leader and the rastafarians that contributed on the reg, even FLYTEETH, lol.

Be well douchehunters, do not go gently into the night….

3:36 pm January, 1 MC900FootDouchebag said...

Happy New Year!

May 2025 be good and by good I mean the end of the Greco Virus.


4:47 am January, 16 NancyDreuche said...

Fuck Trump indeed Jonezy. Fuck Trump indeed. Tots and legitimate pears for anyone suffering from the LA fires. DB1 are you and the fam okay? I may be a first class bitch but I do care.

8:50 pm March, 12 MAGAFOREVAH said...


United States of Americano Hippie Incest Bigfoot Libmaoists are so PWNED!

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