Monday, July 21, 2014
“Yea Though I Walk Through the Beaches of Douche”
Cast not thine holy douche spray uponst thy hottest of hotts. For the Tool is my Sherpa, I shall not spittle. Lo, into the abyss is Your stenchy facial fung and stupid hair. Let it not cast bodyspray uponst thine pear. For if it does, you will know Thine spirit hath foretold the unholy wrongness only whenst fondle is of purest suckle thigh by taintest of twatwaffle.
— Corinthian Leather, 25or6:4.
Good to see you in action again.
I would gladly pay top dollar for the finest Prosciutto di Modena or Parma, to pair with those ripe, succulent melons.
I’m pretty sure that guy is professional Futballer, those dudes get ALL kinds of top notch trim/quim/gash.
@ Et Tu
Isn’ that Kevin Prince Boateng? And yes, those bastards have eye-watering models falling all over themselves to get them a footballer.
In the words of the wise Todd Akin, I would like her to commit legitimate rape with my droopy old ballsack.
That’s who I was thinking it was, probably some topshelf farm raised Fraulein from the Bavarian region. Those naturals call to me and when I answer It’s usually jibberish.
Striped fabric cries for help and support!
Fuck Gaza!
If Dark Sock had a penis
Bazooms. Son
Does this bathing suit make me look nekkid?
Here’s a little more of this futballer’s GF/wfie
bored at work and figured I’d see what the Boss has been up to and low and behold some old school mock going on. love to see it.
Mmmmm……….Melissa Satta, born in Boston, has great tattas
Just googled a bunch of Melissa Satta photos and let me say, I wish the hand bra had never been invented
The Horror…February 27th 2005 Fraiku…
[…] is almost like Hot Chicks with Douchebags, expect she is not even hot. This is more appropriate for Young Girls with […]
^Thank you for that gibberish, Random Spam Bot…now, here is a bit o’ LONG overdue Pear Pairs – circa February 28th, 2005:
We march into March 2005 with Plot Twist Haiku…
The sad demise of one Skinny D’Amato as relayed by Douchey Wallnuts:
I’ve done zero research on this, but is Dustin Johnson a D-bag? It seems he has done well for himself, what with being engaged to super hot vixeness, Paulina Gretzky, and then getting banned from golf for a “i don’t give a fuck” attitude to their stupid rules that don’t allow coke snorting OR pot smoking. Seems like quite the rebel bad ass. And in the pics I seen of him with Paulina, he doesn’t seem adorned in douchiness.
My point being. WHY did my parents not make me work my ass off to be a pro golfer/tennis player/futballer? Fuck, I bet even pro-curlers in Canada get the hottest trim (Rev- is that confirmed?)
A quiet riot
Swells in fake leather britches;
Thus we all shall lose.
March 3rd, 2005, Son:
March 4th – Guardians of the Phallacy