Wednesday, May 7, 2008

HCwDB of the Week: Bra!!

Broheim!! Guess who won the HCwDB of the Week, bra? Another Pepsi, bro!!

It was a tight race between Bra and DNA Dan, but Bra rocked the star tatt to victory. In an excellent and hilarious comments thread (props to everyone who voted), the people spoke, and they spoke braly:

Rocko: Bra! Easily Bra!

Steve Douchemi: Bra! I gotta vote for Bra, bra.

Corbin: Bra! most definitely

Husker Douche: Bra! Duude, I’m the effin douchebag of the week bra! Seriously Bra, I’m gonna effin nail SO MANY BITCHES!!! Yo baby, kiss the star and you can be my star, no seriously, I wanna be Bras with your bra, give it to daddy.

Exactly. And Cool Hand Douche reminds us not to leave out that compact package of hottness on Bra’s arm:

She is the lovin’ spoonful that helps the medicine go down. I’d detail Bra’s white Miata just to catch a glimpse of her posterior in jean shorts in the side mirror.

Well put, CHD, and note the affectionate embrace she’s got under Bra’s bra. Carl Lazlo agrees:

Brosef Bag. Star tats, flexed biceps, pucker faced and hand fake gang gestures guarantee a victory. Add in the dual chains (with charms) and the fact that he isnt wearing any shorts, and I say brosef is the winner. Little Shannon Doherty hott is deliteful.

Well put Lazlo, now get back to the basement lab. However, anonydouche notes the shirtless factor in the club, and casts in with DNA Dan:

my vote goes to DNA Dan – at least Bra is outside and has a valid reason for not wearing a shirt

As does samantha:

DNA Dan, although I feel sort of bad because I can tell he’s only about 2 IQ points above mentally retarded. But maybe it’s that, combined with Librarian Hott’s glasses that really cinches it for me.

Excellent taste in hotts, Sammy. But leader of the band (norcal chapter) reminds us not to forget about the Gospel of Vin:

With references to scripture, I’d have to vote Vinny. No need to mention the checklist of what makes him one. The light on his face is like the hand of God pointing a yellow-bulbed flashlight at his face telling us this simple word, “Douchebag!”

Well put LotB(nc). But this is Broheim’s week. A number of readers noted that Bra has upgraded Ubiquitous Red Cup with some Pepsi sponsorship. Very impressive. And as the everpresent anonymous hits the nail on the head:

Bra FTW! DNA Dan looks more like a science experiment than a douche. Bra, however, is everything that makes me want to remove my skin with a vegetable peeler after going out on a Saturday night.

Raise his Star Tatt to the rafters. Bra will be formidable in the Monthly.

# posted by douchebag1

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