Monday, August 23, 2010
Jungle McDonald
Jungle knows what the Britney Sisters crave.
And what they crave… is freedom trail.
Jungle knows what the Britney Sisters crave.
And what they crave… is freedom trail.
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Wow, the Beach Boys aren’t as cool as they once were. Good thing they have hot daughters.
Oh sweet merciful crap, the Britney Sisters are all that is good and righteous with blonde hottitude! I would take out a dumptruck full of ferrets with nothing but a crudely fashioned prison shiv and my own guile for the opportunity to gargle their week old bathwater.
Looks like Dave Mustaine got a haircut.
Bruce Jenner finally figures out what the Kardashians are good for.
Is like, a third more portly sister hidden behind the first two with only her stout, trunk-like leg thrust through the line up the only evidence of her existence?
From the similarity of breast size and shape I’d say he’s definitely their father.
Wait until Jungle McDonald exhales…he’s about to pass out from holding that gut in.
I’ll take one of the blondes (left please). No, no need to bag that, I’ll eat it here.
This guy is exactly what Conan O’Brien would’ve looked like in the alternate future of Back to the Future II.
That Andrew Jackson sure could pull the tail.

Steve Winwood – Back In The Thigh Life Again
This looks like Joseph’s brother Reuben. He’s jealous that Joseph got the Technicolor Dreamcoat and all he got was the Bad Acid Trip Leisure Shirt.
I find it helps to imagine the right Britney’s left hand is out of site because she’s stealthily slipping it up behind his neck chain, to do the move Angelina Jolie does to Liev Shrieber at the end of “Salt”.
Then I feel much better.
They are looking at the camera and smiling sweetly while he’s looking at the mutton on the buffet table
With unequaled concentration, and a slight tug on his belt buckle, Nortin made the unthinkable thinkable when, with a sickening shhhplork, he drew his penis up into his body and converted his testicles into egg-spewing ovaries.
Conan the O’Brienian took his down time between battles with the Lenoites very, very seriously…
“Damn“, thought Roger, “I can HEAR her thighs growing…”.
With the sweat beading on his brow, Bill’s clenched sphincter lost its desperate fight to hold back the Olestra-driven hordes of brown goblins and his pants-legs were suddenly filled with soft caramel stalagnites amidst a soft, almost sad, frottling sound.
That Andy Gibb sure could pull some tail.

As he clicked his belt-mounted control another notch higher Cindy’s stout legs quivered in delight as her slobbering labia clenched the butterfly vibrator like a frenzied octopus trying to squeeze open a walnut.
That Steve Winwood sure could pull some tail.

Jungle McD’s vacuous gaze coupled with his “landing strip” makes me cringe knowing he’s out there hitting on the Britney’s Woooo Hott’s and and their corn fed succulence.
Peter Gammons is going to great lengths to regain his lost youth.
That Herbie the Elven Dentist sure could pull some tail.

“Yep”, mused Pfah, “The hair implants were a pretty wise investment.”.
That Craig T. Nelson sure could pull some tail.

From L-R. Two all beef Patties, special sauce, lettuce, CHEEZE. Fuck off with the chest Ronald.
Thank you for the John Stamos on the drums reminder. What a douchetool that fuccker is. Zildjians and Pearls anyone? Everything must go.
That Donald Trump sure could pull some tail.

That Mike Love sure could pull some tail.
That Mike Love sure could pull some tail.
this joker’s no Tim Capello:
That Mr. Reeve sure could pull some Fail
heh heh heh
^ I give up. Fuck me!
That Tilda Swinton sure could pull some tail.

Yep, that DarkSock sure could
pull some tail.
How else you gonna get the pee in there?
That Thin White Duke sure could pull some tail.

Holy Shit!

That Rosie ODonnell sure could pull some tail.
Once the royalties from his Interociter began pouring in, that Exeter really began pulling some tail.

That Tilda Swinton sure could pull some tail.
That DarkSock sure could beat a gag into the ground.
^ Heh! That’s the winner.
This dude was a playa’, no doubt.
This 1800 year old Elvis-like statue sure oculd pull some tail.
@ Scrotum Pole:
You know what they say about big shoes….and older women….
^Fuckk sake, ‘remember me’?!
I see the Britney Sisters are joined at the hair.
Wrong region, that’s all I’m sayin’.
@ Jimmy
The Britney Sisters really did go downhill after this.
Tilda Swinton sure could pull some tail.

Wait a minute…
This guy’s shirt is so loud that Helen Keller just told Laura Bridgman that she’s a sore loser.
Did that make ANY sense???
This guy’s shirt is so loud that Lou Ferrigno realized that Nickalback has been his favorite group for the last 3 years.
Yep, still not makin’ sense. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
This guy’s shirt is so loud that Beethoven came out of his grave and just bitch slapped Justin Bieber.
Fucck it, I’m on a mini roll.
This guy’s shirt is so loud that Alexander Graham Bell finally called 1-80H-ORS-EPEE to see what the fuss was all about.
I guess
‘its in the game!” hasn’t figured out there’s more then one comment thread. Good. Didn’t realize Clay and Thom were twin brothers.
This guy’s shirt is so loud that Marlee Maitlin just realized that all her lines in “What The Bleep Do We Know” were written by Dummy Hoy.
Muthafuccka I’m really losin’ it here.
This guy’s shirt is so loud that Pete Townsend heard Chris Hansen tell Pedobear that he won’t spend any time in gen pop.
Wow that sucked!
@Dr. Bunsen Honeydouche
Prepare to die.
WTF is that?
That shirt is so loud it sucks. I got nothing.
Mr. Reeve you just made me shoot beer outta my nose. Screw that wanker.
@ DarkSock – Best comment thread effort ever. Nice work. Had no idea Tilda and Andrew Jackson could pull such tail.
At the record release party for 90125, “Yes” bass player Chris Squire is seen pulling some tail.
Can’t hate on the shirt folks, for it is epic boss.
Thank you DarkSock, I was gonna mention Tilda myself, but you got there first. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing that we think alike. Maybe just a scary thing.
I don’t do links except on the golf course, but that Joan Sutherland sure could pull tail and some very, very high C’s.
Those blondies with Crocodile Dundee make my pee pee harder than a 10lb. bag of jawbreakers! Why one visits HCWDB the hot babes.
this is one sad excuse of a… of a… er i dunno what this is, really.
Well played, mockers! One of the best threads in months!!!
His shirt may very well be Christian I- Dig-Yer-Douche’s inspiration…
… and i’d happily fill the slightly-more-wholesome-olsen-twins houses, if you know what I mean.
That Kato Kaelin sure could pull some tail. (i don’t know how to get a picture in here.)!photos/Kato-Kaelin.jpg
That guy’s shirt is so loud Sam Kineson came back from the dead to yell for more apple pie.
Okay, am I doing this non sequitur thing right? Dr. Bunsen?
@ Deltus,
You gotta pick two completely unrelated deaf people and try to connect them in some way (as lame as you can. see my previous posts) through this guy’s shirt.
I gotta go sit through convocation for 1.5 hours (kill me now!) but maybe I’ll try again later.
This dude almost exactly like Bryan Brown, the star of “F/X Murder by Illusion”, a mildly enjoyable 80’s movie. Anybody remember the movie?
Why his he looking at the ground?
Is he looking for spare change? I think I saw him carrying a sign in L.A. looking for spare change.
Hmmmmm…….I thought it was Roger McGuinn…..