Monday, August 16, 2010
The Fingerbrow
Sometimes if the world won’t give Kevin Douchekilis the finger, then Kevin Douchekilis just gotta finger himself.
Maureen’s zipper is stuck. Between waitressing and moving back to Sheboygan.
Sometimes if the world won’t give Kevin Douchekilis the finger, then Kevin Douchekilis just gotta finger himself.
Maureen’s zipper is stuck. Between waitressing and moving back to Sheboygan.
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I don’t think I’ve ever seen a couple that deserves each other more…
This douche just wishes he had a torqued mule brow… and an IQ above freezing.
Douuuuuchke !!!
I won’t re-open the tattoo argument again. But even I look at people like this and go, “Wow, what an idiot.” The only scene I witnessed today that made me sicker was video of the Annual Meeting of The Juggalos that took place in Chicago. Mercifully, I knew nothing of it until today. Otherwise, you might have seen me in the news for mass murder. Added irony fun: This video talks about the “family” getting together and being best friends. the festival opened with a stabbing, and ended with Tila Tequila almost being lynched.
Did the surgeon who unsuccessfully tried to stuff a brain in this fucktard’s head leave his signature (for insurance purposes) in place of an eyebrow?
Lemme guess, his right hand has P U S S Y” tattooed on it.
Or maybe its J O B.
Oh hell, maybe it’s B R A I N.
Send in your submissions for what is tattooed on his right hand. The winner will get a FTW for this post.
His right hand has D I C K on it.
His right hand has
on it
Shit , this thing :
By the look of his “artwork” his right hand says tattoos.
Thge Led Zepplin thingy ; Zoso
typing with one hand is a fucking drag
Or Gay Cocck.
His sister Stonah is happy to see him out of the can so she can start fucking him in the ass again as soon as she can stand without assistance.
His left hand says free lunch which is refering to Maureen. She’s cheap like that.
Kevin Douchekilis is by far some of your best work, DB1. It makes up for you reminding me Limp Bizkit ever existed.
Fred on head like a dick on a dog
After Kevins mishap involving a blowtorch and a crackpipe, its 2 more trips to the tatoo parlor to get the right eyebrow done
After kevins mishap involving a boltcutter and a drug cartel run in, he can’t quite get the peace sign finished
his right hands says Willy, hes dyslexic
Baseball’s lucky charm, Eric Hinske has made the playoffs 3 years running with the Bosox, Rays and Cheatin’ Yankees and looks like a lock with the Braves this year.
It must be his awful back tattoo
His right hand says masterbate, girlfriend.
The reverse finger is a Crip jail sign for fuck me.
@Medusa…since when is Chicago on the Ohio River?
When you have to resort to immortalizing WingDing font symbols on your fingers, you’ve officially scraped the bottom of the creativity toilet.
You just know his right hand says “Live”. So, when he holds his hands up to the mirror each morning he reminds himself to EERF EVIL. And who among us hasn’t been inspired by that?
I’m going to be honest with you: I think lynching Tila Tequila would be a good bonding experience for any family.
@Mr. Scrotato
The “FREE” on his left hand is actually a pricing structure. He’s right handed, so you can get free hand jobs from the left hand, but you gotta pony up some spare change to get the right.
Hey, you missed a spot.
@Vin Douchal
My question is, when did Eric Hinske join the Yakuza?
He has a crucified skinhead tattoo on his chest. Oi!
exactly. He’s saying “FUCK ME!!! I’M A DOUCHEBAAAAG!!!!”
Kevin has to finger himself because the world has much better things to do with its collective finger.
@ Geography Nazi:
Sorry, it wasn’t in Chicago. Lame assumption that if it’s Illinois, it happens in Chicago. It was actually at Cave-In-Rock, which is on the Ohio River. Now shut up, click your jackbooted heels and get back to devouring my pussy.
His dark mocha turds have creme cappuccino heiroglyphs enscribed detailing the Passion of the Shite.
Wait. he’s got ” FREE” on this left hand knuckles, and that must mean he has “COCK” on the other knuckles,right?
That’s original!
She needs a zipper so she can quickly do her job. Which I won’t comment on further.
I’m working on putting together my own “Meeting of the Juggalos” on the Ohio River in Cincinnati. It’ll be an indoor venue and headlined by Zyklon B.
Not sure I care that much what his knuckles have to say, but the tatt on the knucklehead’s eyebrow for sure says SCROTE.
This twit makes my point exactly on tatts. He could be carrion.
My arm hurt so Percocet I ingested
On a work night my resolve was tested
And the six pack I drank
Made my farts all a-stank
Tomorrow I’ll be hungover and rested
Tattoos and Harleys are so rebellious hardly anybody has them. Oh darn my ed hardy lighter is out of fluid.
funnier then mine by a stretch, Good one…lol
Well, I suppose it was just a matter of time before someone started the all-gay Slayer tribute band, “Gayer”. You should hear their redo of “Angel of Douche”.
Cute ring tattoos, I bet Grandma is pleased as punch… Dude biscuit thinks he’s unique with the mangrove goat, kiwi-do and truck stop lenses. Go foliate a cactus!
I noticed that no one is paying much attention to NOTT HOTT… nuff said
You guys know its Skinhead Rob from the Transplants right ? So notta douche. That band kills and also thats his wife. Id bang that drum slowly 😉
Yeah, TRANSPLANTS…..i thought I recognized the tat on HER hand.
The first Transplants is ok and the chopped and screwed remix of the second album. Romper Stomper is the jam.
It is him but he is still a bag. He’s either done too many drugs or he is as dumb a human as Travis and Tim. They could be called the “I Need A Brain Transplants”.
dumb is as dumb does but dumb does not make a douche imho. im gonna seek out that remix. that sounds tits. i respectfully disagree with this one. Still think the new record is gonna be awesome.
the Fingerbrow is perfect for testing img tags: