Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Vest Guy Eats a Bagel Bit
There’s a back story here involving ethnic cleansing, infectuous nematodes and spice trading in the House Atreides, but alls I really what to know is what up with the mullet?
Catharine’s Golden Globes are both golden, and globe.
I believe the horse in the background is peeing in the Douche’s butt.
Great cans on Catherine. It was money well spent.
I TOLD you mullets were coming back.
Big cans on blondes never go out of style.
The Best Golden Globes Serbian money can buy. As a child, Vladi would watch old Van Damme movies and decide peck shave, button up V-vest and mullet might get him a Hollywood gig too. James Cameron in the back was not convinced he was right for Avatar 2 – The Smurfs Strike Back.
As the miniature Shetland Pony micturated steadily in Tony’s ear, Cindy was there for him, spooning the clotted urine steadily out of his gaped pie-hole.
Disgusted, Larry Byrd turned away from the spectacle and simply walked away…
Mr. Tudball sure could pull some tail.

A good comb-over and a mullet…classic.
“The Serbian Borat and Tori Spelling are trend setters in the the Balkans. They take a break from their filming of “Belgrade 90210″ to enjoy refreshments and hump.”
@doucheywallnuts: Catherine is much hotter than Tori Spelling. Could someone explain how the hell Tori Spelling was ever put in front of *anyone* for the purposes of entertainment?
Oh, wait, her father is Aaron Spelling. Never mind, question answered.
BTW, boobies!
Viggo Mortensen needs a new hairstylist.
Bad hair cut & bad nose job on her. Boobies while fake are fun to look at
Oh, Catharine, how rude of me. Allow me to make amends.
@Et Tu Douche^
The bad nose job is eclipsed only by her poorly fitted right glass eye. Of course, who looks at details like that when you’re carrying orange jelly fish in your blouse?
Angered, humiliated and living in constant shame by Darksocks nefarious, drug fueled, past deed, Mr Ed’s great nephew decided, in honor of all his fellow equines past & present, it was time to get retribution. Having heard that Darksock worked on the set of “Hildago” as a “Groomer” and that he bragged to Viggo about peeing in a horse once and that Viggo found it humorous, put him over the edge. Peeing in Viggo Mulletsen ear would send a message loud & clear to Darsock that equines were no longer going to take it and that “Hildago” was a crappy movie.
Catherine looks very familiar from days of yore…
Golden Globes 2010 candidate right here….must remember for another 5 months….concentrate….must concentrate….Now batting for Pedro Borbon… Manny Mota… Mota… Mota
@Mr Scrotato Head
“who looks at details like that when you’re carrying orange jelly fish in your blouse?”
Imagine getting stung by one of those jelly fish? There’s an old fisherman’s tale about the best remedy for a Jelly Fish sting but for the life of me I can’t remember it. It’s, it’s right on the tip of my …… ahh I still can’t remember. Anyone???
Dammit Mr. White…sleeping on the job….
I believe the answer you are looking for is……….semen.
I never thought I’d say this, but…they’re too big. Seriously, knock those globes down a little, and they’d still be huge, but manageable huge. But as is, too big. Do I need to turn in my mock badge for such heresy?
While Igor ate his wife Natalia’s parfait, he thought about the decline of the American dollar, how would a one world government help him in the long run, China and India’s rapidly growing population and what scent of Nair he should use next time on his chest.
Mullets are popular with professional rugby players, and, as a result, popular with their fans as well.
@One for the Choad: no, it’s possible for boobs to be too big, but I don’t think Catharine’s rack qualifies. Maybe because I’ve been picturing myself running a train in the valley between them mountains all morning, ifyouknowwhatimean.
Peter Stormare approves of the headlights on Volkswagen’s newest model, the Patwat….
That haircut is a Class B misdemeanor in Texas.
So, now we know what Randy Johnson looks like without a mullet and with a shave. And he’s not impressed with Vest Guy’s imitation.
For Vin.
Laura Sanchez let’s it jiggle.
Holy boobies Batman!
@ Mr Reeve

That’s why I’m a fan of pictures. How to make a nice rack annoying
^Fantastic. Just play the video on mute next time.
Chik chicka chicka! Chik chicka chicka! Chik chicka chicka!
[Zips up pants and heads back to desk.]
Much thanks to Misters Reeves and Douchal.
@Vin Douchal
THANKS!!!!!!!!! for the pic
I hope Vest Guy is up to date on his pet ferrets’s rabies shots that he keeps on his head, because it already seems to have chewed off all his chest hair! Catherine on the other hand, must have fallen down drunk the night before because it looks like her air bags deployed!!!
So, the lean kine is the Dorian Gray of their souls or my soul?
Chest Rockwell as Mr. Brown featuring Honey Sugarpussy starring in ‘the gal with the golden mamms’
Phil Simms back there needs to eat a hamburger.
Looks more like a skinny steer to me than a horse.
The painting, not the douchebag.
Oh, him too.
Fake tits in a baring red dress tempt a rake’s mitts under duress.
Good golly, Miss Molly! Lady in Red is no competition for Lady With the Blue Dress On.
My instinct would be to “put a bullet through a mullet” if it wasn’t more air than hair.
It’s all business up front and a party in the back.
Catherine’s lips are too plastic for my preference. but yes her globes are golden.
Am I mistaken, or is that Dr. 90210? If it is that rack may be his handywork.
He’s not man enough to hold the food and feed himself.
I thinks bagel guy got his tits at the same Dr. as his sis
Yes, it’s swedish glamour model natacha peyre. She has appeared several times under different name on this site before.
What Swedouche said. Just as a double-confirm.
That rack looks fake-er than a 3-dolla-bill…tho she DOES look like a fun lil bumpkin…
The guy’s name is Bobby. Who can guess if he’s a hair dresser? Why, yes he is.