Monday, September 13, 2010
Brothabag Edgar and His Ladiez Take the Early Lead
Will the Brothabag and his roster of hotties represent at the 2010 Douchie Awards? Or can Tendon Ted and Ass Pear Annie, Andrew’s Bro or the second place D.J. Jerzey Jackoffsky and Jenny catch up?
Vote now.
Wow, see now this nails it. The only mitigating factor of Brothabag is the hott’s less-than-championship material. Now he’s got the blonde and the sultry Abercrombie redhead on him? Time to get the Sulfuric acid eye wash.
Of course the poor kid sulking in the corner knows no eye wash will let him unsee what he’s seeing. Or unharrow the horror.
Tendon Ted is staring at Brothabag even now, smoldering, his groin veins pulsating in an otherworldly manner.
Bummed out dude on the wall dressed as a lesbian lumberjack is a must at all BroBag E’s parties. He’s there to remind everyone how FUCKING COOL E is
Avril Lavigne dry-humped the local radio content winner while the second place finalist, Jared, sulked nearby. “She thinks she’s all hot and shit,” Jared could be heard to remark. “She doesn’t have a tenth of the talent of Linkin Park. They’re fucking geniuses.”
“Content”? Try “contest,” twat punch.
As Brothabag breaks away from the pack, Andrew’s brother slumps against the wall, saying “ahh fuck it” as the first tendrils of Mother Heroin coil around his frontal cortex.
Only Lance, drunk and passed against the wall, could resist Edgar’s rendition of “Tutts my Barreh”.
I thought that was Sad Keanu back there for a sec…
My brotha can pull, yo. Flannel boy chases the dragon. All is right in Columbus.
reddit much, jonezy?
There’s kinda Michael & LaToya thing going on here. Sully McGee in the corner still can’t get over Wayne Rooney’s benching against Everton.
the guy in the corner bet on the lions and to top it off stafford was injured
Edgar’s screams quickly faded to whimpers as the Vaginal Vampires claimed their second victim of the night with their hungry lamprey-like crotch-fangs.

Top THAT, Goolo!
^ I’d hit it
Brothabag and his fag hags got nothing on Ted. Does homoness preclude one from douche heaven? Homoness? What the fuuckm am I doing awake and here again.
Dark Sock, you are a troubled man. I like that picture and will remember it ass I eat hot dog water for supper.
^^ Ah, so that’s what Jesse James dumped his beautiful classy wife for.
I am strangely aroused. Mrs. Kroeger, put the dentures on.
Damn Jesse, thought you were busy washing your dick with Lava. Sorry.
Pass the bourbon please.
I sit in a cold sweat, hoping Baron von Goolo won’t try to top the lamprey-as-vaginal-vampire picture…
Meh. You should see my idea of a perfect date. Humana-humana!
My wife’s Japanese, so I’m used to vaginas with tentacles and teeth.
Road signs like this one are all over Japan BTW.
^ Ditto, Deltus. And I am indeed as frightened of the lamprey, and second Baleen at 2:27. Let’s do a side-by side of the current Mr. James debacle….
I had a chat with Mz. Bullock over lunch last week. I asked her how she was doing now that the news is out about Jesse and Kat Von D. She just laughed and said, “Oh, don’t worry, I’m not missing much!” Oh, Sandy. You keep on walking tall, girl.
To that, Little Ginger in the front looks like my young cousin, the cornfed and impressionable Manda Panda Oblongata. The cream of the Iowa crops, and the kind of girl hose gigantic farm boy father would snap Brothabag Edgar’s neck, holding his body at arms length while his arms flapped like a chicken’s wings.
*whose. Dickweed.
^ except with hotts.
whoa BB Edgar can mime.
i learned something new today. and by learned i mean sharted.
I think this is a little like the scene in Reanimator (1985) , where numerous dismembered hookers fall into the reanimating vat and end up as some kind of glued together hooker/monster multi limbed,booby hybrid, except instead of hookers we have bag-hags and instead of the preposterous but entertaining reanimating liquid we have Brobag Headgear , who in some pictures looks like he has a removable plastic face.
Douche Twister