Friday, September 3, 2010
Find the Dolla
Okay kids, time to play another round of the game that’s sweeping the nation, Find the Dolla!!
Somewhere in this pileup of sexy dirty trashy hottie and two Breaker Morans, I’ve carefully hidden a dolla bill.
Look closely.
Can you find it?
In right Muncheechee’s butthole
Is “Dolla” slang for “employable person”? cuz I ain’t seein’ it….
Dolla = Poo?

I’d like to play hide my sauseeeeg with ole Zebra hips there.
The Headless Horse?^^
Is white wristwatch strapping a piece on his shin like a “Double-Naught Spy”?

Dolla’s right here.
Zebra MILF has quite the schnozz there, but I’m with Vin. I think I found two dollas, though, upon checking out Zebra MILF’s ass pear: one in black bikini hott’s bottoms and the other (maybe) in Zebra’s bottoms. I do want a closer look, but only after Two-Tone Choad and Balding Bieber get the hell out of the way.
No sense catching the Grieco virus by contact.
Lance and Bruce thought it would be funny to pose with the the three drunkest hotts at the Warped Tour. Misssion accomplished.
Zebra is early Friday ass pear. And I thank thee.
I didn’t know Zebra had a face. Zebra, the gaybags just wanted a photo not a leg hump.
Bruce found another dolla. Around Lance’s penis.
Elly May Clampett naked :
@ Vin ^
I love you. Not as much as i love Elly May, though.
In regards to this pic, I DO see a dolla. Which is good, ’cause the rest of this pic makes no cents.
Elly May Clampett…if she’s donkey punched…
No dolla, but I see her dimespot.
Is it blondie’s paycheck?
She has 3 dollas rolled up tight, and does this with them:

Dolla? Who the fuck is that?
Recently divorced zebra milf, looking to recapture her youth, thought it would be cute to hang with her daughter and friends at the local bud light volleyball tournament . The girls didn’t have a problem with it as she was picking up the tab, the boys, and I mean boys, thought they were gonna get some as they had heard recently divorced milf are quite depraved.
I forgot how hot Elly May way, good work Vin!!!
Paid-to-pose hotties need to be paid. I didn’t realize how bad the job market is, tho.
RE: Elly May naked
Did Miss Hathaway look a little too long at Elly in the tub?
The brothers Grimm
“Did Miss Hathaway look a little too long at Elly in the tub?”
Ya think? it was quite noticeable and I always thought she pined for Jethro. Who knows maybe she went both ways,
Fiddy Cents with white monster watch could also be known as Puff Saddy, the way he’s trying to simultaneously pump-up his puny frame and crotch rub Zebra milf. And credit to Zebra milf’s daughter on right for keeping a respectful distance from Fiddy. ‘Respect’ in this case being self-respect.
Also, nice Elly May work, Vin. While I always suspected there was something a little different about Jane Hathaway, my adolescent innocence never considered her choice of sexual orientation.
I’m off to work, fellow hatters! Enjoy the fuccen ass pear and your Labor Day weekends!
Asians with blonde hair
Are more frightening than clowns
Nightmares to follow
Elly May is bubblin’ my crude. Jizz that is, Kroeger’s Tea.
Was this photo snapped at a Jennifer Love Hewitt/Danny Terrio look-alike convention?
Or is it an Adrian Zmed impersonator?
I don’t see any dudes in this pic. But I do see the new Vegas phenom, Chinkfreid and Goy.
The ladies are not trannies. And they are getting a few years away from zaftiga.
Elle may, man!! total hottness
this the best pic i ever saw of her
^Damn you and your lye soap granny
The two “boys” do each others hair I see.
Ellie May is now, Ellie May Piss Her Pants. Getting old sucks, but for hotts it’s way fucccen worse.
Turdacious…..thanks very little for ruining my memories of boyhood fantasy girl….forever. I can never unsee that unholy photo.
I hope you get crabs.
Do nice to see the young’uns going the extra mile for that stripper look.
Sorry my bad, if it makes you feel any better, I’ve had crabs for 6 years now, Gives me something to do picking them out 1 at a time.
on the back of that dolla bill is Turdacious’s Donna Douglas pic. true story.
The retro revival chorus cast of “South Pacific” laughs it up over Bloody Mary’s “fo’dolla” grass skirt scene and the sand fleas they planted in Lt Billis’ coconuts.
“sexy dirty trashy hottie” is code for disease vector, avoid at all cost.
Hello boys!