Monday, March 21, 2011
Minnesota Marnie Loses a Bet
Dieter likes “zee cherry soda und zee American teevee.”
Dieter likes “zee cherry soda und zee American teevee.”
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David Bowie poses for the liner notes of his new album, Ziggy Douchesperm, and the Lesbians from the Orange Planet.
What a stool.
All I can say is WOW, civilization as we know it must be coming to an end!
Lost a bet? More like lost at life. He looks like the love child of Susan Powter and Andy Dick>
And just WTF is that red glob behind her? The remains of a ritual slaying? Fuck , these people piss me off sometimes ….
is that a guy?
I’ve been looking for a sleeveless sportcoat.
Wonder where he/she/it found that?
Almost all of God’s creatures are beautiful.
And on a related note, my continuing crush on Martha MacCallum continues, continually until further notice


And she loves me….
Shannen Doherty’s shlumpy cousin poses with a corpse.
Billy Idol HAS aged well.
That is a face even a mother would punch.
“Dahling, diz iz my new line of masculine make-up. I call diz kolor: Irradiated Velveeta. Like zee cheeze you Amerikan’s like zo much. It iz completely water and sperm proof”
Ugliest lesbian I’ve seen in a while. Didn’t know they were doing Adam’s Apple implants, though.
Maggie Gyllenhaal’s teenage bi-curious phase came to an abrupt end after her last orange crush…
Radiation Dieter can monkey swing either way, where were those lips last? Most likely sucking the chrome off of a trailer hitch.
Marnie is happier than she has ever been. She’s stopped going to therapy and no longer has that nervous habit of poking herself in the back of the knee with a sowing needle. All because she finally has a boyfriend. A completely *normal* boyfriend just like all those bitchy girls who used to make fun of her. So what if she has to peg him with a strap-on that Dieter lovingly hand-carved out of walnut into the likeness of Ricky Martin? That’s completely *normal*. She even ‘almost’ lost her virginity, though she’s not sure why she had to dress up like a fireman while Dieter dry humped her. Completely *normal* though.
Dieter, bro…..come on, man. If you’re gay, that’s OK, but lay off your mom’s foundation, OK? You’re kinda overdoing there…..
Minnesota Marnie looks an awful lot like Terezia, part of this week’s winners (losers) the Poos Brothers. Separated at birth, or is this in fact Terezia who has lost some of her good looks as a result of her being tag-teamed by Poos and Co?
Dieter is the stuff nightmares are made of….
@Dude McCrudeshoes is a maniac who needs some doobs and Rx to achieve total enlightenment. A Maniac- In-Waiting as it were.
Read his verse above. Son.
@McCrudeshoes, dooo it. Order some doobs from the good Reverend. I’m sure shipping is free. Think of the possibilites when you achieve total drug induced enlightenment. Then call me, I like my dates pre-roofied. Its why I normally ask to meet up after 4:20p. Waay easier to probe their minds.
It’s a nice day for an orange wedding.
He right though, there is nothin’ fair in this world
And his grammer is impeccable. And what about Hermit. He needs a shout out Oprah!
And the Canadian government announced that we are sending classified advanced communication to the cause.
CTK has learned that two paper cups and some string,
three sets of Big Jim Camper radio-talkies, and a Commodore 64 have been sent by UPS tp
The geriatric soldiers have 4 days supply of Depends and Boost. Sophisticated weapons include the availability of bingo and darts. Morale for these troopers are being provided by horny old nuns, Metamucil, and crossword puzzles.
f’in speechless on this one
Sure, I’m always up for smoking whatever a good Reverend wants me to put in my mouth. I was Miss Alterboy of Providence RI, 1985 after all.
too soon?
Thats what women want. The ‘I-just-got-done-rolling-in-filth’ look.
These two stand as a testament to Dr. Irving Goldblatt’s revolutionary yet controversial face reconstruction for motorcycle accident victims utilizing shovel spades as facial bone replacements.
Species 4: Chee-toh Man
@DarkSock: you, sir, are a genius. I can totally see the spade shape now. I still think that’s an ugly lesbian who had an Adam’s Apple surgically implanted at the same time the spade was used to replace the facial bone.
When Marnie’s father saw the sleeveless tuxedo Dieter was wearing to prom, he broke his neck like a chicken bone.
Marnie was really excited when she was able to train the King of the Sea Monkeys to stand upright and stay out of the aquarium for more than 30 seconds so that she could get a picture taken with her one true love.
Dieter has a tiny orange Helmut.
I’m totally looking forward to Fallout 4. This screen-cap of Dieter, radioactive transgender lesbian mutant zombie, and Wasteland Marnie, troglodytic mutant waif girl, just reminded me.
When is Bridgette Nielson finally gonna clean herself up?
Marnie is obviously young, naive, an ingenue, and in need of a good hairdresser.
Dieter is just “obviously.”
And by “obviously” I mean the Illini threw him out of the arena for being too orange, Fuller Brush sued him for copying their stiff hair brush, and Mr Spock paid him a shoulder-grip visit about that arched eyebrow.
Dieter has the kind of lips….
never mind.
Fallout 4 almost made me forget Dieter. good call Dude McCrudeshoes.
if he’s Euro on vacation, I really wonder what his Generation equivalents back home actually think of him? Surely he’s regarded in high contempt. I mean, look at it!!
A normal fella like all those bitchy girls who used to make fun of her.
Just saw that picture and immediately thought of David Bowie’s lesbian twin sister, Deena…only to see Dude McCrudeshoes nailed it in the first fucking post.
This Douche is so bad, he has to win something…..lips, face, orange, hair, something.
He’s horrendous.
He’s so orange I want to make him black….and blue