Wednesday, April 20, 2011
The Shirtstains Mack on Pocahontas Cutie
You be starin’? You be in trouble, yo.
Freddy will take you down with a fingerpoint.
You be starin’? You be in trouble, yo.
Freddy will take you down with a fingerpoint.
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Rabbit jacket be poppin’ yo’ ! Islip mink style homesliceee. Pow! These are sad examples of the depth of douche. Even my Tapout @ dolla be ballin’ yo for Halloween slice like don’t compay to dis. Word. Son.
She’s gross, yo!
If POCAHONTAS CUTIE isn’t careful she will find herself being sold into slavery in Romania.
I can smell the Axe through my monitor
I’m no jelly neckbeard of these two. Not mirin her cleft chin that looks my pop’s after a lap with a straight edge razor on Monday morning
Based on headband guy in the background, this is the best she can do at this bar.
hey FlyTEETH- did you see this article about TARMAL?
Can you believe those Alabama fuckheads are trying to remove your TARMAL?
I think the article had a few typos, but it should definitely read TARMAL, not tarball.
I think somebody got into their Mommy’s arts and crafts box and did some wild Bedazzling and applique. Merit badges all around!
Holy smokes. Looks like a table at a frickin’ rummage sale.
That’s the worst wallpaper I’ve ever seen. Oh, those are your clothes? Did they come with the vomit stains or did you have to add your own? Thank you, I’ll be here all week.
These are the poster children of why to avoid Brighton Beach in the summer, or ever. A shiny penny for whomever guesses what type of rodent had to give its life to make her jacket.
don’t look at those shirts if you’re prone to seizures
Enrique “DoRag” Largemano has to drink his troubles away after see the travesty that is these three. Believe it or not, the backs of their shirts are even more horrendous.
Has to be a costume party.
Even Douches don’t dress like these tools.
Whelp, I’m off to Vegas everyone! I wonder if I’ll see any douchebags there?
The guy on the left is so stiff they call him Starch.
Douche on left looks a lot like Jimmy Kimmel. Douche on the right looks a lot like Max Casella (look it up ya lazy fuccks). Pocahontas Cutie is Marcia Cross’ less attractive little sister.
So what is this picture telling me? Hold onto and stretch out that 15 minutes like nobody’s business because it goes quickly.
According to todays article, Pocahontas means ‘slut’. Suddenly watching that Disney cartoon became a lot more disturbing.
I sure as hell ain’t one to smack down on the cuties, but Pocahontas here can rest in Argall’s clutches forever, for all that I care…
It feel like I just walked in to a Gothic Revival musical take on the story of Pochahontas and those choads are the backdrops. That, or I just accidentally inhaled some ether and am watching some gothic Japanese animation anticipating the tentacle rape.
That’s Pocahontas’s bleethed out cousin, Pokamyanus. Captain John Smith is actively looking for these two assholes for a little “stickball” practice. Son.
This is the perfect situation for donning this bad boy; you would leave with every woman in the room:

I’ve seen guys like that at bars 96,536 times. Yawn. Like lemmings, do they buy those shirts and wear the gold chain.
I always call them Italian stallions with the medallions. Double yawn.