Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Phlippy Does the “White Man’s Overbite”
But if you ever want to impale a sparrow, mid flight, just toss Phlippy in a field and have him nod.
Carly may not be A List stomach pooch hottness, but any girl willing to wear frilly stuff at the pool gets points via the beer goggle method.
Beer. Helping ugly people get laid since 1826.
Flabby loosers fill me with meh.
I’m more interested to know what Voldemort is doing with in the background.
In the background, Anthony Weiner prepares to press send on his I-Phone while inserting the ubiquitous Bud Light into Phlippy’s spine.
It looks as though Carly is wiping her axe/poo stained hand on Phlippys neck, and she should.
Re; Skrag in background, are girls still getting tramp stamps?
It took half a bottle of extra-virgin olive oil, but Marty was able to exploit Shirley’s fetish for humping leg stumps.
There is nothing of quality about this photo. He is probably the concessions manager at a movie theater and she is (at best) a receiving clerk at a Wal Mart DC. Amazing the lies and fantasies that a little axe molding clay, a rosary, and mudflap sunglasses create. Only a matter of time until the dream dies and they have to go back to their pathetic lives. So live it up, it is only downhill from this point forward.
Average Joes
anyone else use the new Google image search by image. This pic pulls some pretty accurate results.
Again with the rosaries. I’d like to think it’s a sign of attrition and he is saying a few Hail Marys between Goose cocktails but the sad truth is this choad would be wearing a bindi or a yarmulke if all the other choads were doing it and it would help him get laid.
He may just have the most punch-worthy face I’ve ever seen on this site. And she’s just happy to be there.
@ Douche Springsteen, 7:50 am
Well said sir, well said
When he says an Ave Maria, he’s referring to the bird like plummage on his dome.
I suspect that Carly will look awfully good when she’s on all fours, wiggling pear in your face.
Admit, boss, you wouldn’t be able to resist that.
Google image search? the douche! This is not for the squeamish and I hope is the results of someone playing with Photoshop.
Rosaries are helping people get laid?! Damn I’m in the wrong business.
@Et Tu 7:17a, Re: tramp stamps, I’m not sure if they’re stilll getting them but I know of some women in their 30s having them removed. The only tramp stamp I ever thought about getting was a picture of a hobo on my lower back. But then again, I’m a bit of a weirdo.
She is doing a weird hoverhand thing, which is weird because the rest of her is wrapped around him like prosciutto aaround a melon ball.
holy shit how does she shit?
the girl behind carly with no behind.
this party must be at the hard rock at noass atoll.
she has less ass than the sort of guy who wears black socks pulled all the way up, with loafers and bermuda shorts,a hawaiian shirt drinks unironic pbrs in a camo barbeque apron with tool pouches,and has far too much of his 25 year beer soft ball career still on vhs, arranged in chronological order in his den between the tv and the trophy case at the foot of the fake fireplace,
i’ll take chunky carly over that any day, except on days when i have to a picnic to go to, backrgound girl’s lack of an ass would give her and my uncle something in common to talk about.
Edith Anne, FTW!
@ Jonezy:

Plug this into the new Google Image Search and see what pops up:
Tramp Stamp in the back looks like someone slapped her ass hard with a snow shovel.
Tramp Stamp in the back has an Aunt Jemima ass. Flat as a pancake.
Too bad we can’t see Tramp Stamp from the front, topless.
That way, we could determine whether she has skoal can/pancake nipples to match the flat ass.
Tramp Stamp’s Ass is so flat, Phillpy’s mom irons his madras shirts on it every morning.
Tramp Stamp’s Ass is so flat, it got two minutes for boarding and a game misconduct.
Tramp Stamp’s Ass is so flat, the Army Corps of Engineers uses it to forge rivers and other waterways in combat zones.
Tramp Stamp’s Ass is so flat, it’s hosting this year’s annual convention of the Flat Earth Society.
Tramp Stamp’s Ass is so flat, it can be used landing jumbo jets in emergency situations.
Tramp Stamp’s Ass is so flat, her poop is curled.
Tramp Stamp’s Ass is so flat she has to wipe with a spatula
Tramp Stamp’s Ass is so flat you have to cock your head sideways to hear her farts.
Tramp Stamp’s Ass is so flat her bike seat is dental floss
Tramp Stamp’s Ass is so flat, her algebra teacher used it draw out complex mathematical formulae in high school.
School Chums.
Tramp Stamp’s Ass is so flat drunks in bars keep putting quarters in her ass and slapping her shoulders so the cigarettes will fall out.
Tramp Stamp’s Ass is so flat if she runs her vag gets paper cuts.
^I don’t get that one either.
Tramp Stamp’s Ass is so flat, she poops out Wafer Thin Mints.
Mr. Creosote.
Tramp Stamp’s Ass is so flat, her friends call it Kansass.
Tramp Stamp’s Ass is so flat,that Brad in the right of the frame is aghast and thinks its a dude in drag, but tries to hit that anyway.
trampstamp’s ass is so flat her sphincter is an outie.
Tramp Stamp’s Ass is so flat, it has its own horizon.
trampstamp’s ass is so flat she poops standing up
Tramp Stamp’s Ass is so flat, her butthole makes it look like she has ringworm.
Tramp Stamp’s Ass is so flat, an exact replica of it was used as the flight deck of the USS Ronald Reagan.
Tramp Stamp’s Ass is so flat, she single handedly elevated the self esteem of flat chested Asian women all the world over.
Tramp Stamp’s Ass is so flat it was used to play the Final Four of the 2011 NCAA Men’s Basketball Championship.
Tramp Stamp’s Ass is so flat that even horny flounders try to hump it.
Tramp Stamp’s Ass is so flat, she served as the table at Edith Anne’s last family picnic.
Is Trampstamp’s trampstamp a picture of a dolphin jumping through the Greek letter pi? Uh, WTF?
^good for you, dumbass.
@lmao, what I should have said is, so did the girl with the tramp stamp.
Phlippy is biting his lower lips as he violently jettisons he spleen from his ass as he hoists ‘LeadButtLeah’ in the ‘Carry Your Cunt Hop Scotch Tourney’
don’t forget to sign up ND
Phlippy may not even be white.
sad, if true.
I think he’s just thinking about “Dat ass”.
The dream dies and they have to go back to their pathetic lives. So live it up, it is only downhill from this point forward.
Well done atircle that. I’ll make sure to use it wisely.
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