HCwDB of the Week: The Most Interesting Douchebag in the World and Brittney
Originally appearing in Saturday’s Comment of the Week, the name of this week’s Weekly winning (losing) douchebag comes courtesy of Douchewallnuts in the comments thread, who wrote:
“He’s never worn a shirt. Not even to church. He’s the most interesting douchebag in the world.”
Indeed he is, D.W. Indeed he is.
For creepy and toxic Groin Shave Reveal, the invention of new variations of subcutaneous vein bulge, necklace bling, six pound watch, and awful fishy fish speedo + brand name sunglasses, TMIDITW takes the proverbial douche cake.
Brittney is also tatt free purity of whiny voiced suckle thigh. But since we judge our pics only in the visual realm, and not the auditorial, her pooch suckle is spankable sparrow win.
Almost rans included The Limeys, 70s Fro Guy, and the creepily haired Marty Fungenstein and the Euro Giggles.
But pumped up poolside douchebaggery in presence of giggle blonde was too much to avoid.
Chalk up our final coupling before the next HCwDB of the Month, and your hirsute narrator for groin scratch and Raisin Bran. Cuz I’m eating healthy like that.
Raisin Bran doused with Maker’s Mark is not considered a healthy breakfast by a slim majority of nutritionists.
The 17 beer bottles on my desk suggest that it is not only his picture making me ill, it could have been the raw salt cured sirloin with raw egg yolk in the dressing. Cause we know it wasn’t the fucking capers.
However, a Maalox cocktail, shaken not stirred, with an appropriate fillup of Ketel One, can be most tasty before 8 AM.
…and Brittney,,,not Britney and NEVER Brittany, looks like she could suck the chrome off a trailer hitch….after her usual weekend repast of SoCo-limes and an eight-ball or two.
I thought The Dude’s shirtless rants were pretty funny in that thread too.
Upon further review, this guy will contend in the yearly.
Yes I believe Doucheywallnuts has hit on something…not even to church indeed. Although if this ‘Bag ever darkened the door of a church it would probably be Scientology, in search of the Holy Cruise, and so on.
Good call by the ‘nuts.
I don’t think Brittney (or as I like to think of her, “Carrie Underwood’s slutty evil twin”) is actually tatt-free, as my gaze lingers on her upper left thigh…
The booty shorts and bling are to divert attention away from his pointy gimp head.
I bet he can throw one of his turds a mile.
Britney seems to have some instructions tattooed on her upper thigh. Or possibly list of services and fees.
I’d also like to mention the fisheye lens or lens effect that’s going on here. I think the focus is on his upper arm/chest region and is probably why it looks like their legs are a mile away.
And that his head is deformed.
@ Dude McCrudeshoes:
I think that’s a list of her last vaccination dates.
/is he really wearing white socks & black shoes? WTF – is he a mailman?
I scratch myself on milf chin…true story!
jeez, how about doing a fucking LEG DAY once your life!