Tuesday, July 31, 2012

HCwDB: White Party Frank Gehry Love Boat Edition

Why do I feel like the backstory of this pic involves a drunken Saudi Prince hoping to invest in the movie industry?

# posted by douchebag1
11:35 am July, 31 Dude McCrudeshoes said...

Lonely red cup learns the true meaning of Solo.

11:48 am July, 31 Vin Douchal said...

I feel like the backstory of this pic involves a circle jerk with cocktail waitress service available

11:49 am July, 31 Mr. Scrotato Head said...

Why do I get the feeling when they turn around there will be chocolate stripes everywhere?

11:50 am July, 31 Vin Douchal said...

I feel like the backstory of this pic involves the makeup team for “The Bleeth Hunger Games”

12:31 pm July, 31 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

I feel like the backstory of this pic involves orgy felching and Frank Gehry puking up more of his architectural cumstains.

12:31 pm July, 31 Duck Duck Douche said...

How sad that three of them had the same tragic hand injury, losing their fourth finger.

12:35 pm July, 31 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

This could be at a Frank Gehry abomination in Toronto. The party planners here are a subsidiary of The Kings Of Kleen (aka The Kleenexers). I dub them the Ass Wipers.


Yankee Pigdogs

12:45 pm July, 31 Douche Wayne said...

I’m glad to see Color Me Badd is still together and making a difference.

12:51 pm July, 31 Douche Wayne said...

5 seconds after the pic is taken:

“I thought I told you idiots to stop bothering the guests and get back to work?!? Where the hell are your trays?!?! These appetizers aren’t going to serve themselves!!”

12:57 pm July, 31 Lyndon LaDouche said...

As a Muslim filmmaker in LA, I have actually been approached by drunken Saudi princes promising to invest in my movies. They never do.


1:04 pm July, 31 Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said...

We should stop sitting idly when there is work to be done. Call or write your senator AND congressman/woman and demand that the Human Spay/Neuter Bill be introduced by them into Congress. Why should it be illegal for to permanently remove the sex organs from those who have no good use for them? Douches have the possibility of becoming normal humans (no guarantees) and the number of unwanted ankle biters will most surely decrease. It’s really a win-win if you think about it. I ca just see the advertizing campaign now: (using this pic as the poster) Spay and neuter. If you don’t these will have children you’ll support for the next 18 years.

1:11 pm July, 31 jonezy said...

I agree with the Rev- pic looks like a janitor’s nightmare after the world felching championships went into overtime

1:55 pm July, 31 Anonymous said...

ViSalus Vitality White Party – Miami 2012. Emerging Douche weight loss cult complete with stupid Vi hand signal.

4:32 pm July, 31 Guid is Good said...

They all need to speak to their tailor about their trousers. Except the douche in shorts – he needs to go home and put on his big boy pants.

5:00 pm July, 31 Douchble Helix said...

I’m liking her and her little dress.

5:42 am August, 1 Olddog1 said...

She has some serious legs. Serious, I say.

5:45 am August, 1 DoucheyWallnuts said...

This is a promotional photo for ABC’s new RomCom, “The Douche Boat.” captain Merrill Doucheing at the helm!

9:10 am August, 1 Anonymous said...

Looks like a high school wood shop class reunion where they share their first experience with the circular saw

12:21 pm August, 2 Matt said...

I’m half expecting Liam Neeson to come blasting through the door looking for his daughter!

6:35 am August, 3 Katie said...

Actually the one in the sunglasses is a good friend of mine and is in fact not a duchebag. They were at a Visalus event which that “hot chic” participates in as well and I’m sure they are all doing way better things w their lives than anyone of you real douchebags that commented on this photo! Nice try tho!

1:51 pm August, 4 Wheezer said...

Sorry Katie, but they’re choads.

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