Sunday, September 2, 2012
Legendary Satirical Douchefail "Riff Raff" Gives Back to the Community
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*This* is how DB! atones for the whole “Snooki” thing?
Fuck. Me.
Based on the still image alone, I couldn’t/wouldn’t watch. That’s pure douchebag oozing through my monitor right now, and it smells like Tag bodyspray and stale PBR.
No, Milwaukee’s Beast.
Those grillz really make it hard for him to talk. He sounds like a teenager who just got his braces put in, tightened, and then threw some marbles in his mouth for good measure. You can hear the slobber swirling around in his mouth.
Damn, Dwayne Wade sure took it hard since he couldn’t play on the Olympic team this summer. Did he go on a bath salts bender and wind up in this video not knowing what he was doing?
This video is not going to help our assorted hangovers. I still have one from last Thursday when the weed we smoked (by far the best weed ever) at the waterpark had me faint in front of hundreds of people 1 minute after we smoked. I tried to even out the buzz by chugging two water bottles full of gin and failed leading to Lenny and his eldest son pushing me out of the park in a wagon. Son.
Family Humiliating Stoned Drunks
And good job Et Tu on the Comment and the buzz.
Seriously, this dude has a career?
I mean other than the obvious mop pushing over nights in the hospital
If ever there was a case where the Stomach Cancer Prayer needs to be invoked it is right here. Na mean, Cool Breeze?
7 and a half minutes?
No fuckin’ way.
A poor mans Squezzy Jibbs.
my rectum itches, but, every time I scratch it leaves a smudge in my drawers that resembles this fool
You don’t even have to hit play to know this is bad.
Riff Raff clearly needs more tats. He should come by so I could help with that. I use a very novel and innovative technique – instead of needles, I use a hammer and an acetylene torch.
Run for your lives. Watching this was a life-altering mistake.
doing some research and my mind is drawing a blank – I need the name of the LA douchebag who is actually a (british and gay) actor acting like a hetero douchebag – he’s really funny.
What IS his name?
Jimmy something or other?
nemmind – I finally remembered – skweezy jibbs
Skweezy on hot chicks:
The horror is that unlike Squeezy J, this fecal goiter is real. And got us slurpin’ the doodi P.
I kept hoping against hope that the “pitchfork” mentioned at the opening would be shanked in and out of his sternum like a satanic sewing machine until his torso resembled so much porch beef.
Is tomorrow Labor Day? I’m too embarrassed to call one of my employees to find out.
If so, I’m finishing my Old Overholt and regretting it in 12 or so hours.
Also, for the record, Bernadette Peters is 64 years old, and I would bang her ass like a screen door in a hurricane.

Skweezy (Tim Savage) explains himself:
I agree with Dark Sock. Bernadette is eminently doable.
Apparently that’s a stage name, too. She’s some guinea broad from Brooklyn (which makes her paisan.)
Skweezy’s gay? He was better off in character.
Nice grill for a retard. He still needs a couple of years of mind-sifter therapy back at the institution.
Man hours, no. KOALA hours FTW!
Now if I’m not mistaken Pear is synonymous with Labor Day? I plan on grilling some later as a digestife after the main course of smoked pork butt. I like my Pear glazed and by glazed I mean a nice brown sugar & bourbon glaze. So that being said I was hoping to get the day started by ogling some Pear and was hoping someone could share.
Labor Day is a holiday we celebrate here in the States in honor of toiling endlessly in order to meet those ends. In Canadia I believe you celebrate Labour day? If so may your booze flow like the hurricane Issac engorged Mississippi river and my your grill emit all sorts of enticing, spiced dead meat aromas. Son
Oh and I too would bang Bernadette Peters.
What the fuk is that dude going to look like when he’s 80?
This guy isn’t for real, is he? Please tell me he isn’t for real. Please tell me that concert footage is people going to see somebody else, and he’s just the clown.