Thursday, August 31, 2006
The Oily Wank
When one reaches a certain level of zen-douchitude, it’s apparently possible to grow hottie heads out of one’s shoulder.
How much do I hate this oily middle aged wank? It’s not just the ‘Bag Elvis Hand Gesture #36, the blond hilights or the fact the douche is wearing a flower belly shirt, a belly shirt, fer chrissakes.
Okay, yes, it is just all of that.
Tuesday, August 1, 2006What the-?

What the-?
And what’s with the poker table? Was this a game of strip poker gone Dali-level surreal? Jesus Scrote doesn’t even appear to know he’s naked. Not to mention he’s displaying Unholy Scrotite, the polar opposite of the Holy Cleavite. Ugh.
So what’s the story behind this pic? My head is going to explode trying to decipher the absurdities of this moment in time. Yegods.
Speaking of poker and gambling fun, I wonder if you can play strip poker at one of these top online casinos.