Tuesday, December 12, 2006

HCwD of the Week: Horror Bag Edition

Here’s a little HCwD of the Week chaser before next week’s uber-bag smackdown, the HCwD of the Year. This week’s collection of scrote falls more along the scarybag lines, those creepy crawly scrotes who are likely to send you crossing the street so as not to come into contact with them. And yet, here they are cuddling up with hotties. Go figure.

Then again, that’s why we’re all here. To figure out just how these noxious poo-vapors-in-solid-form somehow come to inhabit the proximity of sexy balls of spice. Perhaps we may never know. And, like all of humanity, what we don’t know, we mock.

HCwD of the Week #1: Blondenstein

This FrankenBag is all sorts of scary. Then again, so is his hottie who’s curves seem strangely out of order. Or maybe they’re just trying to flee Blondenstein’s mutant presence.

I’m also a little intrigued, what’s Isaac Hayes doing in the background? C’mon Chef, get back on South Park. Scientology sucks and you know it.

HCwD of the Week #2: Yellowtail

Really, what more needs to be said about 70s Record Producer / Porn Producer / Refried Bean?

Blondie is fantastic. Actually, brunette is even more sexy in that “real” way. And by real I mean her nose isn’t a pert little button.

HCwD of the Week #3: No Exit

No Exit may have been yesterday but I can’t tell what day it is anymore so we’ll throw him into this week’s contest. But then that brings up what we’ll do with “The Thing.” He’ll come back too. That pic is too priceless not to preserve in the still theoretical (but hopefully real soon) “Hall o’ Scrote.”

So what say you, people? Who deserves the first entrance into January’s HCwD of the Month contest?

# posted by douchebag1

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