Friday, December 22, 2006

Hot Dog: The Douchebags

All we need to make this pic a complete journey into the darkest depths of the douche ski patrol is dancing monkeys flinging poo. Or perhaps we already have that in this pic. I started to count the wrong, but once I hit the combo revelation of that rarest of species, the fantastus assicus attempting to grapple with that most common of fungii, the scumbagus douchebagus, my head Buckaroo Bonzaid into the 8th dimension with headache inducing speed.

It’s bad enough broken wristed ski-bag is attempting to fondle that tall stalk of corn. But toss in a pucca shell tonguebag more interested in a flashing digital camera than the round perfection below him, and you have the perfect pic to cause the entire HCwD fanbase to collectively slam their heads into their monitors on a Friday afternoon.

Please, do not go Peter Gibbons on this PC Load Letter. It’s not worth it.

# posted by douchebag1

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