Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The Beanscrote

Oh dear God. Halloween pic or no, Thug Life just kicked me in the nuts. But like the beauty that is a great HCwD pic, Catwoman brings me back to life. But no, this shirtless freak of nature shreds my will to live like a cheese grater hopped up on crack. Ah, but the Holy Cleavite warms my soul and reassures me like “Goodnight Moon” did when I was five.

It is heaven and it is hell. All mixed up in the blender of scrote that is a HCwD pic.

Enjoy it. Revile it. Let that swirling emotional cocktail fire you up and cool you off. And then punch this skeezy old douchebag in the digital face.

# posted by douchebag1

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