The Douchie Awards
Since it’s the end of the year and we’re voting on the HCwD of the Year, it’s time to think about the Douchies. There were many fine examples of rank douchitude and the hotties who love them that didn’t make it to the final round but deserve their own recognition with a Douchie Award.
Any suggestions for categories and finalists? As douchestar runner notes in the comments thread, what about Purple Lips? Jon Bon Douchey? Big Red? The Shocker? Labor Day ‘Bag? The Holy Douche Spirit? The Holy Grail? So much putrid scrote to honor. So little time.
Should we give a special award to the lovely Hippie Chick who kept us warm after first horrifying us with her appearance next to The Joker back in April?
Lets come up with some good categories and then we’ll start handing out the awards.