The Holy Douche Spirit
Once, when I was about twelve, one of my best friends had the wind knocked out of him while we were playing kickball during recess. As he lay on the ground gasping for breath, we stood around unsure what to do.
Finally, he coughed up a bit of phlegm. Not a lot. Just a small wad. And then he was able to breathe better.
Why do I bring this up? Because in an amazing coincedence that rivals Moldy Toast Jesus and Tree Stump Mary, this Jersey Toad resembles the exact formation of that phlegm.
And in an even more unbelievable miracle, his visage has again been spotted, this time in a bowl of pea soup. Witness the miracle of the “Pea Soup Scrote” image here.
It is hard to believe, and were it just the phlegm on my 8th grade kick-ball field, I would chalk it up to coincedence. But two appearances in viscous materials is enough to convince me: This is the Holy Douche Spirit himself.