Double 'Baggle
It’s not that I don’t appreciate the future employees of the Texaco gas station down the block from wanting to go out and have a fun night on the town.
It’s the fact they’re pawing my future ex-wife with only the sleazy ‘bag sandwich move. I mean, come on. At least mix it up with a hand gesture.
85 Degree Hat Tilt does mack the ultra rare combo Douchle-Bubble + waist grab maneuver, a +5 on the challenge scale. But otherwise? Come on, douchies. It’s like you’re not even trying.
10 Degree Skull and Crossbones choadmunch simply tasks me with his facial hair. It speaks to me.
10 Degree Choadmunch’s Facial Hair: I grow like dandelion weed to celebrate the scrote of my genetic origins.
Yes, 10 Degree Choadmunch’s facial hair. I knew that.