Douche Royale
Not to distract from the Weekly, but I had to post this reader mail. Douche Royale writes in:
I’m a royal black jamaican, aging pretty-boy, former rich kid, lazy-eyed douche-bag …
I’ve gotten may hot n famous white women butt nekkid in record time. i’.m an embarrassment. thank God there is a site like yours to publicly decry my predicament. rock on.
Douche Moments:
from a NYC fundraiser that I co hosted – thereafter we all had a wonderful orgy. yes, thats ‘crazy” stacy from Apprentice infamy.
– Mia Koda (linda) is a HOT Miami/Vegas model ..while I recently blew 120K in 4 mos of reckless travel thruout the middleast. a true douchebag, indeed ….
Why- o why is Sky Nellor gettin so close to this broke ass nikkah??
ok .. perhaps this was before she knew better ..
Mary Jane: a perfectly decent, fun-loving playmate … and an ashy negro … sigh. God help us.
ok, the best .. or WORST I can do 4 now !
fyi – these digital fotos DO interpolate to any targeted resolution. use and abuse these images as u see fit!
I can’t tell if this guy’s my new hero or a sign of the impending douchepocalypse.