East Meets Westbag
There’s really nothing hotter than the streak hair on an Asian hottie with boobs. It’s the motherload hot combo in the Far East Hottie arsenal. It’s like enjoying a free sushi dinner at Matsuhisa’s house while having your toes tongue-washed by the cast of a Korean soap opera. Good times.
And then there’s Gwai-Lo McToady. Everything that’s wrong with Western culture in one imperialist post-colonial package. Busting the ‘Bag Lean-In, this perfectly dry-cleaned white shirted scrote can’t even achieve a ‘Bag Head-Butt. But even more gloriously, the chin pubes and hawk are achieving a strange mirror echo stage on his head. Like an M.C. Escher sketch on the back of a Mad Magazine face fold-in illusion. It’s an echo of an echo. A whisper that whispers, “douuuuuuuucheeee….”
Fratbar looks like you’re typical mid-Western hell hole of douchebaggery. Someone needs to rescue Geisha Hott with a chopper before she wanders down the Douchi-Minh Trail. And if that’s too many mixed up Asian cliches for one post, I’m gonna wash down my Thai noodles with some Saki. Because I’m mixed up like that.