Hall of Scrote: Peaches
‘Bags, Hotties, Choadmunchers and Vinegar Wipes, please welcome the newest member of our hallowed Hall of Scrote, the one and only Peaches.
Anyone who can maintain that level of Einsteinian concentration in the presence of so many hotties, deserves our proper attention. And by attention I mean collective mock.
With epic brow and shiny forehead, Peaches takes his rightful place alongside this site’s other hallowed Hottie/Douchey combos.
I hate to post a pic in which Peaches breaks the ‘Bag Hand Gesture #47 run, but hey, even DiMaggio had his hit streak snapped. And three more hotties in his presence make him a transcendent choadbag.
As per a suggestion in the comments thread I also kicked Big Red out of the HoS. Call it a retroactive ruling. And let all other ‘Bags and ‘Baglings be on notice. The bar has been raised. And by raised, I mean lowereed.