Greasy Reader Mail
Greaser #1 from the winning HCwDB of the Week pic The Greasheads, posts in the comments thread:
I’m the douchebag on the left! Thank you for this award! I am sure you are all total winners and probably sleep with way hotter girls, so congratulations on being such a badass!
To respond, I’ll turn it over to King Douchuous the IV, HCwDB Weekly Winner, July 2007.
King D: Yo man, even I think that forehead is greased up to the bejeesus. I’d hose you down myself but I’m planning to use my All-American mandana and fantastic popped hair to charm the hell out of the two award winning tatines to my right. But seriously dude. Hose the ‘head down before it kills someone.
Listen to King D the IV, Greaser #1.
Try not to think of it as losing a hair style. Think of it as gaining a matted forehead.