Ask DB1
Love the site, but am perplexed & I believe that only you can answer this question:
What does your average douche do for a living/to earn income?
While part of me can believe that the occasional misguided Hott is attracted to the mane & plume that all douche’s exhibit, my experience with the Hott is that they demand, at a primal level, that their mate has adequate financial resources before they acquiesce to a long-term relationship.
To understand the presentational display of “wealth,” you must first understand that ‘bag signifiers like bling, hair gel, designer shirts and sunglasses are intended to be the markers not of income, but of cultural value.
To the boobie hott, wealth is not measured according to economic measurements, but along Bourdieu’s notion of Cultural Capital acquired in the public sphere. The hott is cashing in the chips of The Grey Goose.
Or she puts up with the grease because she digs on the abs.
Stupid abs.
That’s it. I’m hittin’ the gym. Tomorrow.