Ask DB1: Forehead Grease
Could you elaborate on the forehead grease?
What is it? And why is it?
To answer your question Steve, I sent samples from four foreheads featured in the Hall of Scrote to the HCwDB Hudsucker Industries Labs in Brisbane, Australia. Here’s what came back:
Average chemical breakdown of HCwDB Forehead Grease Samples:
47% – Human sweat
14% – L.A. Looks “You Got the Look!” Extra Hold Hair Gel
12% – Axe Bodyspray dried and crusted residue
11% – Jessica Simpson Late Night Infomercial Acne Cream
7% – The Ethereal Douche Spirit
4% – Pleather
2% – Night Fever Musk from 2002
1% – Herp Sore Virus #5263B
.41% – Mascara
.23% – “The Mark of the ‘Bag”
.18% – Herp Sore Virus #1252C
.12% – Grey Goose Distilled Vapors
.04% – Lindsey Lohan