Reader Mail: Mickey's Hot Chicks with Douchebags Review
Hey I just got finished reading the Hot Chicks with Douchebags book. I’m going to share its wisdom with everyone I can. I was in tears from laughter for most of it. The bit about punching the dwarf and then asking for change (CroBagnon page) had my ribs actually hurting!
I’ve forgotten more philosophy, anthropology and mythology books, what have you, than most entire families will read in their lives, and even armed with this fascinating but ultimately useless knowledge,I have to say that yours is one of the most brilliant books I’ve ever read.
I too have suffered the privations of douchebags throughout my life. I come from a town absolutely rife with Jersey ‘Bags and Bagboas. I attended high school at a time when the douchebag virus was just beginning to spread. The high school hall stank of hair gel and testosterone, Z. Cavariccis hung from every fashionable hip, and wigga CrossColors, for some unfathomable reason in the elitist, racist town I hail from, were popular as well.
Coming from New Jersey, I’m very familiar with ‘bags of all types, and you hit the nail on the proverbial head with most of them. Great job keep up the good work!!!
Oh, one point of order, if I may be so bold. When describing the Jersey ‘Bag, you fail to mention the iconic chariot of the JB, the IROC-Z!
I feel giddier than a schoolgirl in a nitrous factory when I get emails like this. And yes, I’ll be pimping my book on this site until you buy it.
Yeah you.
I’m looking at you right now. I can see you through the screen.
Been reading my site for a year, but keep putting off actually ponying up the dough to buy a copy off Amazon? Listen to Mickey. Buy my book.